I think you are on the right track. My asthma and "hay fever" began at the age of 14, and despite inhalers and medication it developed into a debilitating, life-threatening condition by the age of 30. I went to an Alexander Technique Therapist who found problems with my posture. I worked hard on that, along with taking certain supplements, and in less that a year I was breathing clearly. And my numerous allergies also disappeared. I now take no medications for asthma or allergies. I am very interested in your idea of dental composite on the back teeth, to improve the 'curve of Spee'. That's a new theory and I am keen to learn more. Thank you!

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Thanks for sharing!

And yes.. what you said sounds very aligned.

Dental composite is the more extreme way of doing this approach as it will be hard to get a US dentist to agree to do this. But wearing a rubber mouthguard is extremely easy and actually works faster in my experience.

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I would like to order a mouth guard but find no info on what size I need. Please advise me? Thank you

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I always advice 'L' to adults. 'S' is really only for kids under 12 yrs old

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très intéressant!

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