The biomechanical connection to allergies and food intolerances
Based on what i've observed for years, it is very obvious to me that they are at the root cause.
I joined the Starecta Facebook group back in late 2014 and was a member for years.
All kinds of people would talk about various types of allergies and food intolerances they had before they started.
Then many of them would talk about how these issues would miraculously go away sometime later after using their appliance.
Plus I noticed that my annual ‘hayfever’ seemed to disappear.
And so my initial hypotheses connecting allergies and food intolerances to structure started way back then in like early 2015. And i’ve been paying attention ever since.
Today i’m going to talk about what i concluded.
Allergies and food intolerances
First, let's get clear on what we're talking about.
An allergy is when your immune system freaks out about something harmless like pollen or peanuts.
Food intolerance is when your body has trouble processing certain foods - like people who can't digest lactose.
The medical folks will tell you these are totally different things. Allergies are an immune response, while intolerances are about enzyme deficiencies or whatever. But I think they're both symptoms of the same root problem.
Both these things are blowing up
The numbers are insane. When I was a kid in the 80s, you never heard about all these allergies and intolerances. Now it seems like half the kids in any classroom have some kind of allergy or food sensitivity.
Like seriously - where were all these lactose intolerant people 40 years ago? You never saw lactose-free milk in stores.
Was there all this latent demand that no enterprising business person noticed? I have a feeling that was not the case. I trust in capitalism too much :)
Also, peanut allergies were super rare. Now there are tons of products dedicated to this stuff.
Are we supposed to believe that suddenly everyone's genes changed in one generation? Come on.
I think biomechanics are at the root cause
Here's what I've noticed after paying attention to this for quite some time - the people with obvious structural issues (‘deflated skull’, poor cervical structure, etc.) are the same ones who tend to have the most allergies and intolerances.
Meanwhile, the ones with very good structure are the ones that have the least incidence.
Will you find a person with good structure that has allergies sometimes? Yes you will. I’m not saying it doesn’t exist. I’m saying that it happens with far lower incidence rates.
This isn't a coincidence in my view. When your skull and spine are compressed from these biomechanics, it affects everything in your body.
Your organs get displaced and compressed, your immune system gets compromised, your whole system just doesn't work right.
The case of my son
My son is the perfect example. From the time he was a toddler he was a mouth breather with narrow dental arches, and we thought he was allergic to cats, peanuts, and several other things.
His breathing was disrupted during sleep, and this would often make him cranky during the day.
We tried lots of stuff to improve it. Removing his tongue tie, eating hard foods, taping his mouth shut, etc. All useless.
Then in late 2021, when he was 7, we put a few mm of composite on his back teeth. His arches have expanded significantly since then. And guess what? All those "allergies" disappeared.
He can eat peanuts no problem now. He can pet cats without any reaction. It's like magic - except it's not magic, it's just logical.
We fixed his structure, and suddenly his body could handle these things it supposedly couldn't before.
Closing thoughts
Look, I know this sounds crazy to most people. The idea that allergies and food intolerances could be caused by skeletal structure seems like i am a lunatic to some.
But think about it - if your organs are physically compressed and displaced, how are they supposed to function properly? How is your immune system supposed to work right? How are you supposed to properly digest food?
Based on following the patterns of who has these "allergies" and "intolerances" for years…. I am very confident they are just your body's reaction to the structural issues that are going on.
Fix the structure, and suddenly these problems often disappear.
And the only reason the medical professionals considered them "incurable" conditions till now is that they didn’t understand these biomechanics. And thus didn’t know how to reverse them.
But i’ve actually talked to two different folks that happen to be wearing bruxism nightguards (not Reviv) for a couple of years and have a consistent story.
Their allergies have “seemed to improve”. And i’m pretty sure I know why ;)
I think you are on the right track. My asthma and "hay fever" began at the age of 14, and despite inhalers and medication it developed into a debilitating, life-threatening condition by the age of 30. I went to an Alexander Technique Therapist who found problems with my posture. I worked hard on that, along with taking certain supplements, and in less that a year I was breathing clearly. And my numerous allergies also disappeared. I now take no medications for asthma or allergies. I am very interested in your idea of dental composite on the back teeth, to improve the 'curve of Spee'. That's a new theory and I am keen to learn more. Thank you!
très intéressant!