About the exercises... unless they are using a rubber appliance and a tracking splint for at least six months and are sure they plateaud they are not ready

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I’d read my articles on the Alf. I experimented with that for years and unless the dentist added height to the bite I would not recommend

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Ken, I totally appreciate you not giving away your IP for free. Have you considered sharing for a fee with a non-disclosure agreement? I would be very interested for myself and my children.

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Nov 8Edited

Hi Irina, for children it would anyway be nearly impossible for them to follow as it requires levels of discipline and motivation that you probably dont have until at least your later teens.

Also, just use a rubber guard for them and yourself for awhile and plateau first. You can get very far just with a simple rubber guard like Reviv One or Myobrace.

I have a 10 year old for example... and ive never even bothered trying to get him to follow it. As there is no chance.

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We also mouth tape nightly so compliance is less of a concern for us

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Thank you, my kids are doing the ALF and when they get to teens I would be keen to learn the exercises. So, to confirm, you are not able to share the exercises with an NDA for a fee?

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Make sure if they're doing alf that the dentist added height to the bite. Expansion without height is not good in my experience.

I dabbled with the alf for years and wrote an article about it https://reviv.substack.com/p/does-the-alf-work?utm_source=publication-search

About the exercises.. i dont teach them for now. Also when i do one day i wiould still require that the person first started with a rubber mouthguard (like Reviv One) for at least 6 months and showed me on a tracking splint that they had truly plateaud (ie. dental contacts dont change for at least 1 week)

Because plateauing is the starting point for the exercises.

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To get to 'the end' you need to know the stretches ...and ?

Good morning

I'm not writing this to make claims or hurt feelings, but I find that this part of your thinking is somewhat biased. when you say that you have this stretching method but that you don't want to share it, I find it very unfortunate... it's putting up a gift and then saying you won't have it... if it's a secret it's better not to tell, no...

With friendship

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Nov 5Edited

I dont see it that way.

My point is more about logic than anything else.

i've seen how this thing ends and when you see how it ends you understand how the whole thing works. How the soft tissue of the skull & body unwinds like a ball of yarn unwinding.

Dentists and others have 'theories'. My point is that i dont have a theory. I know exactly how this shit works and i've done it before. And i'm about to repeat it. And i'm going to show everyone that is paying attention.

The rubber guard will get most TMJers out of all of their symptoms based on my experience so far. And i explain exactly why that is and how that works.

That is already a gift no?

You don't really need the stretches unless you aim for perfection. And i'm not offering perfection for free.

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I am interested in efficient improvement of health (ideally, with minimal risk). Maybe that is a top interest of others and maybe not.

If Ken has that to offer (and with more efficiency than others offering something similar), then either someone is interested or not in his offer (including the results produced as well as the costs / financial compensation to be provided to Ken). If not, so be it.

For those of us who want free services, those are also available. Even free education has been published by Ken. If what he is presenting here seems to be anything other than appealing and generous, so be it.

As a side note, I have spent most of the last year at a certain Caribbean country where health care services are free to citizens (but not to me). However, the quality of care may not be especially attractive even to citizens and the actual physicians here. Those who can may consistently leave the country to go elsewhere for paid health services.

I do not use the local services either. In general, I have absolutely no interest in them (like for anything other than emergency care). I actually consider many of the treatment methods to be of little value and even quite dangerous... as in targeting the burying of symptoms or suppression of symptoms at an enormous long-term cost. But maybe that is just me. ;)

Next, in my everyday business, if someone asked me for me to provide them value for free when many others pay me generously, I would not even decline. I would simply focus on the people who are willing to pay me generously... at least some of them. I don't have any obligation to reply to a request for services. And that is how I prefer it.

Earlier this week, an associate of mine told me that he does not even want to get paid by his family members for providing them a service for which he is an expert. He says he wants to send them to me for them to pay me instead of him. Why?

Because he wants them to get a good service. And he believes that they would be "troublesome clients" for him. So they might be resistant to his recommendations.

But with someone else, they might more likely respect the service provider without asking for any favors. They would review the offered service and focus just on the offer itself- not focusing on me as anything other than a provider of a service they might value.

If they like my proposal, great. If not, great. They can find someone else whose offer they like better... or do nothing.

On the other extreme, I am aware of millions of people who in recent years have received certain free health services that legally were also mandatory for them, such as their latest booster for covid. Those may be provided at no cost to citizens, plus under threat of jail time and fines for any refusal to voluntarily comply with obtaining the mandatory "service."

"Provided for free by the government" may mean "paid for involuntarily by the mandatory donors to that government." Anyway, I am skeptical of mandatory services as well as free services. If you are not already similarly skeptical, then maybe that will change if you take some further time to explore the practices promoted for free by Ken. Or try something else instead.

In the US, "social security" is a mandatory and free program (relating to "retirement savings/retirement insurance")... which has been mismanaged and is scheduled to wipe out all of it's accumulated surplus within a few years. Neither political party in the US (as far as I know) has proposed a plan to maintain funding to keep the program operational. Other than a major change in policy or a significant reduction in the population of the recipients, such as might be produced through the huge investments in the development of methods of biochemical warfare by one specific government located between Mexico and Canada, the future of that social security program is not just insecure or unstable but guaranteed to be cut back and then inevitably collapse. The mathematics are simple enough.

In contrast to that program, I can offer investment services which are neither free nor mandatory. However my profit in the last 5 weeks was well over 25% (which is better than many private investors generate in 52 weeks). People who want a free (or mandatory) system are choosing certain risks (which I consider massive) from what I would label as their complacency. And that is an entirely valid option... perhaps one that mainly appeals to people with compressed brains from collapsed skulls.

Since the social security program is both free and mandatory, why should the average people research the risks? Their guardian overseers are "taking care of them," right? And they don't have any choice anyway? (Well, they have no choice to pay in to the system although they do have the legal choice to change citizenship to other countries or to target alternative retirement plans to supplement the mandatory free program.)

The government is "taking care of us," some say. What exactly is meant by "take care of him" might mean something different when said by a mafia boss ordering an execution or by a mother speaking to a babysitter. But one way or another, people are being "taken care of."

What about Ken? Ken's proposal may be designed to appeal to those who are "very serious." Those who are complacent or casual... or simply delighted with their current experience... are welcome to explore other options or not to explore at all.

He is not proposing to "take care of us." If he was, I would be far more skeptical. As it is, I have been gradually implementing his suggestions for many years... including things that apparently he no longer recommends.

He presents a notable confidence now (and if you have been following for years, then you might perceive an increasing confidence relative to many years ago). Does he still have more to learn? I hope so.

More importantly to me, do I still have more to learn? Again, I hope so.

If your priority is to seek a guardian savior to "take care of you," that may not be the type of narrative that Ken is presenting. But your own narrative can change. Maybe what Ken proposes seemed repulsive or insulting yesterday. Tomorrow the experience might be quite different.

Some people have invested very sincerely in the recommendations of a series of "guardian saviors" and been repeatedly disappointed. That may be one of the most auspicious of all possible histories. That may be the most fertile soil for... sheer audacity.

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Nov 6Edited


I kind of view it like Large Language Models (LLM's).

I want people to know what is 'possible' and i will show them in the coming months what that means.

It's like when a couple years back OpenAI released ChatGPT 3.5 and all of a sudden everyone realized how the potential for AI was very real.

Within a year or so several companies like Anthropic and Google also had competitive LLM's. After decades of not really having confidence in AI. Because they knew that it was theoretically possible and had seen what it could do.

Therefore they were able to reverse engineer it.

I do not expect to be the only one to know how to do this fast way for very long. There are too many enterprising individuals out there.

And once i show everyone what it looks like... i'm sure the race will be on.

But will it completely change this TMJ game once its understood?

Without a doubt.

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