Eventually progress plateaus and you need the 'fast' way
The fast way is what allows you to break through this plateau and break through the skin of the scalp and face on a daily basis as you remodel your skull and body.
Recently I was talking to the son of someone who was in my original test group. The one that started in early 2023.
This person was in their sixties and had taken the dental composite approach (ie. a dentist put cement on their back lower teeth and kept the top of it flat).
Note that composite is not as quick as the rubber mouthguard but has the benefit of being able to work 24-7. Meaning you cannot take it off. It is working all day and all night.
Whereas with a rubber appliance like a Reviv One, most folks only wear it to sleep. So it’s working less than half the amount of time.
Anyway, this person had essentially had composite on their back teeth for about 1.5 years now.
And during that time they had added more several times because the gap between the front teeth closes over time and you need to add more.
He had a lot of headaches at the beginning but felt healthier pretty quickly. And really liked the progress he was feeling. He felt stronger and was looking younger and younger.
But then sometime recently he felt that his progress had plateaud.
And this will eventually happen with pretty much everyone that does Reviv, so let me explain it.
Progress is very fast at the beginning
When folks first start wearing a Reviv One or any rubber appliance like it, they often experience pretty dramatic changes in the first few months.
It’s hard because they have pain in their teeth, they will often get headaches, etc.
But they typically start to feel healthier and stronger. And so they begin to associate this pain they are going through with the progress they are also feeling.
In many ways this feeling of progress can be addictive. You begin to think it will always continue and that eventually you’ll anti-age to your absolute perfect self.
And my interpretation of this is that it is because the soft tissue starts stretching for the first time in years. It's like when you first start working out - you see those "newbie gains" pretty fast. Your body is responding to something completely new.
With time it slows down
But just like with working out, these initial fast gains don't last forever. After about 6-12 months, most folks notice their progress starts to slow down. The changes become more subtle and harder to notice.
This is completely normal and expected. The "easy" stretching of the soft tissue has been done. Now you're working on deeper, more stubborn tissue that takes longer to change.
If you’re tracking your dental contacts you would notice that it is still probably changing every week but only a little.
And you cant really visibly see much difference in your face and body except over longer periods (eg. a few months). The day-to-day progress that had begun to feel like a drug is gone.
By then most symptoms are gone The good news is that by the time you hit this plateau, most of your symptoms will probably be gone or significantly improved.
If you had brain fog it likely cleared up, your back pain might be gone, and you might be sleeping better than you have in years.
This is why a number of folks in my original test group kind of checked out at this point. They felt ‘good enough.’
And that's completely fine - if you're happy with where you are, there's nothing wrong with maintaining at this level.
But you are still far from 'the end'
Here's the thing though - you're probably nowhere near what I consider 'the end'.
By 'the end' I mean having a perfect body, perfectly symmetric face, and perfect health regardless of your age or genetics.
The rubber appliance alone will never get you there. It's too slow and it plateaus way before that point.
I know because I've used rubber appliances like the Reviv One on and off for almost a decade and tested their limits a fair bit.
What I consider to be the true ‘gamechanger’ of what I figured out comes AFTER you have plateaud. It is the sequence of stretches that I do on a daily basis for almost two years, which are the same ones i’d figured out by chance around 2016.
I know because the dental contacts change daily plus I rip right through the soft tissue of my face and scalp daily (ie. the skull expands right through the soft tissue).
In time I predict lots of folks will copy what I am saying with Reviv
Anyone can tell you to put a rubber mouthguard in your mouth. And so once more and more people figure out that I am right… i expect lots of copy cats.
They won’t even agree that they’re copy cats because rubber guards have been around for a long time after all.
They’ll just ‘happen’ to be saying a lot of the same stuff that I say on my blog. Most of which nobody was really talking about till now except me.
I expect this to happen. I am a capitalist and it is natural as this snowball of people that improve using these principles grows.
In fact I want lots of people to fix themselves for almost nothing. To get healthier and put their lives back on track. To stop being screwed around by dentists and the medical community.
I want to make that widely available at a very affordable price. Humanity needs it.
But for some folks that hit that eventual plateau, it will not be enough.
To get to 'the end' you need to know the stretches
Some folks will want to go to the end.
And for that you need to know the jaw stretches I do. These stretches are about 10-20x faster than just wearing a rubber appliance and they get you through the plateau.
When you do these stretches correctly, you literally break through the soft tissue of your face and scalp daily.
This is the only way to really remodel your skull and body to achieve perfection. And it’s not really intuitive - I stumbled upon these stretches by accident back in 2016 and then forgot how to do them for years.
One guy who was in my group kind of got frustrated with me and was like “Ken… I like this progress i’m feeling. How can you not teach me the stretches to continue my progress?”
And first I reminded him.. “Weren’t you going in circles for almost a decade spending thousands of dollars on useless dental treatments?
Did i not get you out of that shitty world having not charged you a dime?” (Note that I didn’t charge anyone in my initial test group)
You see… I spent a decade of my life figuring this shit out and what I learned to do with stretching the soft tissue is in my view going to be massive. I consider it my IP (intellectual property) and it is defensible until someone else knows how to do it.
Till now there is nobody else (dentist, DIYer, etc.) that I know of who knows how to do it.
Why? Because they would be talking about ripping through the soft tissue as I am.
And then even after learning how to rip through the soft tissue, they’d need to repeat it each day for a very long time. As in at least a year.
That is what it takes to get to the end. And I am going to show all of you what this looks like in the coming months.
One day I will teach a group of folks how to get there
Right now I don't teach these stretches to anyone. Not even my own family.
Part of this is that you need to learn to "feel" it, and that probably takes a long time. Plus involves me being with the person physically.
After all i’ve only ever done this on my own body and have never successfully ever taught anyone this part.
But the other reason is that i of course want to monetize it eventually.
For example.. how much would Bill Gates pay to anti-age and essentially function like he was 40 again? How much does he value having another 30+ more solid, healthy years that he would not have had?
Or perhaps Warren Buffet?
This of course seems crazy right now.
But there’s a reason that I say this with a very straight face and a twinkle in my eye. It is because in time… i know this will not be nearly as farfetched as it currently sounds.
And one day, when I figure out how to monetize teaching this properly, I plan to take a small group of dedicated folks and show them how to do it.
Because this knowledge needs to spread beyond just me. One day.
Until then, just know that the rubber appliance will help you tremendously, but it won't take you all the way.
So when you hit that plateau, don't get discouraged. You're still way better off than when you started and you will continue to progress, albeit slowly.
And maybe one day you'll want to ‘play for the end’ and learn the fast way too.
About the exercises... unless they are using a rubber appliance and a tracking splint for at least six months and are sure they plateaud they are not ready
I’d read my articles on the Alf. I experimented with that for years and unless the dentist added height to the bite I would not recommend