So glad he wasn't afraid to "Stack" on the vertical height!

I need to get out more 🫣🤭

He sounds like he had a brilliant mind. I hope the dental community opens up to this in future years. They seem to be some of the most rigid and closed minded, at least here in the states

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yep.... :)

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I’m considering buying the Reviv. I don’t have any chronic conditions other than some food allergies but I’ve noticed changes in my facial structure, narrowing mostly. Also I have periodic pain in all of my teeth that’s diffuse that I attribute to possible structural changes in my skull and face. I’m 53 and female. My question is how do I determine the size I should purchase. Small or large?

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This reminds me of "mewing", a postural method to lift and expand the palate for better facial structure. Is this theory related to yours? Fascinating stuff, both.

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Using a rubber appliance (like Reviv One) will achieve what Mewing says it will do but better.

I talk about this here: https://reviv.substack.com/p/my-take-on-the-mews

But the effects of doing this go far beyond what the Mews talk about.

These same biomechanics are being used by dentists like Stack and Young jun Lee for years to get people out of neurological diseases etc.

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Thanks for your response and link.

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My mouth and teeth have felt very unnatural ever since I can remember, even though I don't know any different and presumably lack a frame of reference for what it should feel like. It feels like my teeth are too small and my jaw is too big. Several dentists have told me my mouth is fine, but I don't believe them. I made a short video. Can you take a look and give your opinion? I have included a much more detailed summary in the video description, so please read that. Here is the link:


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yes i think things can be expanded outwards.

You have a very clear locking occlusion... so u need to unlock it with either flat plane splint or rubber guard.

And add some vertical.

And things will expand and u will prob feel better.

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What do you mean, a very clear locking occlusion? Is that good or bad? I have no idea. Do you agree with my conclusion that my teeth are way too small?

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I mean that your upper and lower teeth fit together in a single position.

How to stretch the soft tissue is to put something flat (eg. flat plane splint or flat composite on back teeth) that allows the upper and lower teeth to skate over one another without any locking position.

Generally people with very good spines will have larger, more erupted teeth. But in general i dont like using size of teeth as the gauge as there are too many other factors.

I prefer much more to look at the skull, the cervicals (profile etc) as that gives very clear indication of structure.

And yes you can improve structurally... but so can 99% of people out there.

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Do you have a private practice?

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No i am not a dentist and i don't 'treat' patients.

I enable them to DIY with a simple mouthguard.

I explain my model here: https://reviv.substack.com/p/im-gonna-play-my-game?utm_source=publication-search

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What do you think of those that now wear upper and lower dentures —-change in splee?? could that result in Parkinson’s ? What would be the fix for that?

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I dont have much expertise... but generally i think the engineering of putting composite on the last tooth should work here.

Taking some type of cement and build up the last lower tooth on the dentures so that its the only contact and it is flat.

And just leave it like that and things should start fixing.

And yes, if the dentures were built such that it flattened your curve of spee, it could cause Parkinson's.

But the good thing id imagine about dentures is that the teeth dont really move or get ground down as normal teeth would.

So i'd imagine some dentures patients essentially seemingly 'halt' the aging process.

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