What is impacted by these biomechanics?
The list is very long and includes physical (eg. facial symmetry, improved body) & non-physical (cognitive, neurological, etc.) impacts.
So one thing I take for granted as I’ve been in this world for so long is the full list of what is impacted by it.
In my articles I talk about a variety of physical and cognitive/neurological things… and this probably confuses some folks.
What exactly does this method improve? Is it physical? Is it cognitive? What is the full list?
So I figured I’d use this post to lay everything out clearly.
I’ll also break things down into a structure that should make it easier to digest.
The shape of your body
By shape of your body I mean the actual shape of the skeleton, which is much more powerful than just losing weight.
Each time I have improved, my upper back expanded significantly while lifting no weights. And the waist gets smaller till you have the correct proportions.
I honestly think that this is the only way to change the actual skeleton and not just reduce fat/weight (as evidenced by the fact that obese people who go on extreme diets always remain quite wide).
Also your legs change shape over time and they become more like those of a professional athlete.
At some point it becomes impossible to pinch any fat on your body when the shape has corrected sufficiently.
Facial symmetry & dimension
Your facial symmetry improves and towards the end you come into very near perfect symmetry.
Also the dimension of your face improves significantly. If you look at world-class models they all have very good dimension to their faces.
Your skull also starts to take on this inflated round look like the two people pictured above.
Teeth & Tongue
Your dental arches expand… thus allowing the teeth to also come into a straigher line because they have more room to.
The teeth also stay cleaner much easier (less need to brush, floss, etc.)
The tongue migrates from resting in the middle of the mouth to hugging the roof of the mouth (like the Mews describe).
Complexion and skin
Your complexion improves and things like wrinkles start to disappear.
The skin all over your body starts to stretch and look younger.
Thickness of hair
Your hair gets thicker and the texture improves to be softer.
Bald spots start to fill in.
Arches on your feet
If you have flat feet your arches begin to develop naturally. Without making any special effort.
Your ability to think through complexity improves.
Memory improves.
Ability to focus lengthens.
Your senses
Vision improves. Astigmatisms start to reverse.
Hearing improves.
Brain fog reverses.
Balance improves.
If you are starting to experience symptoms of a neurological disease these will start to reverse.
Your mood improves and stays steady throughout the day (eg. I am literally happy pretty much 24-7 each day effortlessly)
Mental health
If you were struggling with depression or other mental health issues, these begin to resolve.
Wrapping up
It of course sounds pretty crazy that ALL of these things improve by doing this process. And it probably sounds like i’m full of shit.
But think about it logically for a second.
I explained earlier that the problem originates from the soft tissue of the skull essentially deflating and crushing the skull and the brain (ie. my ‘balloon theory’). Which then has a downward effect of twisting the spine and everything in your body.
So if you were reversing all of that… would it not make sense that tons of shit would improve?
That is a rhetorical question. The answer is yes :)
But also note that this list of stuff is also pretty much the exact list of things that get worse as you age.
Therefore it is not a coincidence that I explained here my view that aging does not actually exist.
And rather what we think of as ‘aging’ is just the negative effects of these biomechanics.
I can confirm the correlation/causation because I experienced pretty much all of these, but in reverse: during my orthodontic treatmentS my skeletal structure kept changing (wider hips, narrower chest and shoulders, anterior pelvic tilt, flare ribs...)
Facial asymmetry, thinner hair, acne, worse eyesight, brain fog, balance, energy levels, and of course pain
I could go on for hours listing the effects of a compressed skull and imbalanced occlusion