The asymmetry you mention...is it mainly a difference in left to right sides of the face? My eyes see Tom as losing height in his face, also.

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i tend to view it as the skull getting crushed and since its 27 bones connected at soft tissue sutures.. lots of bones compensate in small ways.

Just creating a much more assymetric look.

It's how i can often tell when people do braces. When they smile it's usually an unnatural 'orthodontic' smile.

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It really does look so unnatural! Especially on younger people now, and I can't quite put my finger on it. The ortbos are focusing on expansion and making the smile as "toothy" as possible, and it just looks so strange to me.

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Same exact question I have. Asymmetrical meaning skull is not oblong but more round?

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I think assymetric skulls can take a number of shapes.

But generally assymetric skulls will have much worse complexion. Whereas someone with a great skull their complexion just shines.

And i find that that is because of symmetry.

Assymetric skulls have lots of cranial assymetries on almost every bone that comprises the skull

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Another thought...what effect might plastic surgery have on someone whose face is being "remodeled" by wearing a Reviv? Would the soft tissues ba able to stretch in the same way?

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you mean if they did plastic surgery before doing reviv? I really dont know but i have a feeling it would make the end outcome worse.

If you mean doing plastic surgery after starting reviv... i dont see a good reason to do that as things continue moving with reviv. So whatever you do with plastic surgery will just get messed up.

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Yes definitely agree. Tom looks pretty awful now his facial structure and his body whereas Brad still looks great. Would be interesting to see what difference using a Reviv would make to someone like Brad who looks great anyway but is getting old. Tom definitely needs to wear one at night and a couple of hours in the day 👍

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If brad took it to “the end” I think he could look better then he ever did.

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Wow amazing. Maybe I could too 🤣 I will definitely be using it as much as possible

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Thanks for this and a Happy New Year!!!

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Happy new year Richard!

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I know since I got dentures my scoliosis was never this painful or detrimental. I am literally twisted in my trunk and my organs are affected dramatically. My neck looks like it was screwed on wrong. I have lost inches in height, my digestion is compromised and acid reflux, heartburn, chronic pain , memory decline.

I’ve been using the mouth guard maybe a week or so.I’m not sure if that’s why my memory seems to be improving, or all the other things I do to counteract these issues., however my dentures seem to be fitting better and not falling out. I can only hope and guess that my skull is inflating somewhat, hence a tighter fit? Maybe, that’s what I’m going with.

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so is crooked teeth a sign that particular energy pathway is imbalanced?

I'm thinking of TCM teeth meridian chart maps.

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Are you familiar with Weston A. Price's book on malnutrition? In his eyes, what is causing crooked teeth is nutritional deficiencies, particularly those related to fat-soluble vitamins like A, E, D, K2 etc. He thinks the skull size shrinks and causes crowding. In innumerable photos he would share, it is documented that then native tribes who had tons of the animal based fat-soluble vitamins, had large heads, big open mouth, with full sets of teeth, no wisdom teeth removal necessary. Well worth reviewing his information.

I'm a Chinese medicine doctor so I might be able to weigh in some on your TCM speculation. In the gum line, we're primarily looking at Large intestine and Stomach meridians. Stomach primarily coursing through the lower jaw. However, there are more meridians in the region of the mouth, that don't course through the gums. You have the Ren (anterior aspect, midline of the body), Du (posterior aspect, midline), and the Chong Mai meridian which courses up the central corridor of the body, and connects with Ren/Du Mai. The three unite around the upper palate.

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Yes i read his book years ago...

i wrote an article just this week about him: https://reviv.substack.com/p/weston-price-found-that-the-western

I think Chinese medicine has put together interesting correlations between the mouth/teeth and aligns in certain ways. And i'd done some chinese medicine when living in malaysia back in 2001-3 as well as the summer of 2014.

But i do think i differ on the core of 'how' this stuff works.

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Thanks, I will check out your article.

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Do you recommend any reading/learning materials for someone trying to have a basic/intermediate understanding of TCM? Books/websites/videos etc

I don't put ANY weight into chemically isolated "vitamins".


Weston price was all about fermented natto berry, allegedly k2 mk7.

Once you learn how they process these healthy foods into toxic powders... There's no going back.

TCM looks the easiest to understand and simplest to teach.

I've been using www.Meandqi.com to try and better my understanding.

Any other recommendations?

Thanks for the response.

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You talk about the curve of spee like it's a panacea. In my experience, there are no panaceas, and we should stop expecting to find them.

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Jan 1Edited

Not a panacea. Just physics for how the foundation works.

I don’t expect to find anything. It’s already been found. And people are gonna be recovering in droves. Whether you want to accept it or not

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From a Chinese medicine doctor's perspective, I cannot agree more. I can think of various other examples that also would mirror what you are highlighting about curve of spee, and shifting in the 27 bones of the skull.

Imbalances in the sphenoid bone, behind the eyes, viewed from the anterior aspect, it looks a lot like a butterfly. An imbalance here can lead to an array of issues. ie, hormone imbalance, just to name one. It is quite expansive though, the downstream sequella.

A link people can read to see how much is possible - https://bodywisdomcst.com/sphenoid-bone-a-cornerstone-of-health/

Damage to the coccyx (tip of your 'tailbone') can often carry with major shifts towards the other end of the spine; so at the skull. Damage can be mirrored all over the body, but not in a sloppy fashion. There's sacred geometry built into the body - Golden Ratio etc etc. This is all well documented. There's also the holographic nature of correlating body parts, another worthwhile tool to explain how small shifts over here, create symptomology somewhere else. By the way, this is not some fringe thing, I utilized this all the time in my Chinese medical practice.

There's much more to share but I don't know if would interest you much. If it does, feel free to reach out. I really dig your work and think you're absolutely crushing it in your observations. Countless people will scoff, as I'm sure you're already aware. Prior to Chinese medical school, I was an M.D. Your standard M.D. would think we're retards talking like this. But with the passing of the last 5 years, its is widely in the public domain now that what M.D.'s do not know about the body, would fill the Library of Congress.

Cheers for all your work!

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thank you! Sure please do share in the comments.. i think it's a very interesting perspective.

Also note that this is transforming from 'my observations' to many people's actual experience.

300+ have purchased Reviv now. I check journals for many of them weekly and a lot of people are improving from a lot of different stuff.

The goal is to get too big and grow too fast to ignore.

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