The late great Dr. Hal Huggins, the man who started a whole new field of dentistry, would agree with you. But I think it was the jab. In treating jab injuries beyond myocarditis and pericarditis, rapid memory loss is much more prevalent.
Why is this a theory I always hear, and from people who seem willing to see the truth? The covid vaccine has one non replicating protein. The virus itself has 28 that replicate and persist. The virus is also arguably a bioweapon leaked from a lab, but there’s this belief that they need to be ok rawdogging a virus versus a technology that just magically appeared (it already existed but wasn’t useful for making money - see vaccine vs daily treatment). mRNA is a straight up medical revolution and may saying it is, we’re pushing ourselves back to the massive profits from daily “treatments”.
Vaccine has aluminium and mercury components.. nothing healthy about that. Considering the opposing theory regards illness and 'flue' as a detoxification process then using toxins in an 'interventionary' process seems rather bizarre at the very least. There is a reason the industry has been often referred to as psychopathic.
I feel like you think this makes sense, but what? Flue? Interventionary - like “change”. It seems you’re using quite a few contradictory words, but why not just say what you mean? Why do you think these materials are unhealthy when we let everything be covered in VOCs and various other chemicals? Why are so many other things ok , but vaccines that literally prevent disease deemed bad?
There are no “gold-standard” (double-blind randomized) studies that support the assertion that vaccines prevent disease.
Further, most/all diseases that vaccines purportedly address were in steep decline for years before the introduction of said vaccines.
Finally, there are no robust systems in place to track vaccine immediate and long-term effects, especially since 1986 in the US. VAERS, for instance, is not robust, the companies have no liability, and the medical industry is not forced - and indeed negatively incentivized to look deeply at the significant downsides of injecting chemical cocktails directly into the bloodstream
This is the dumbest conversation - there’s no way you’ve ever actually researched this yourself. Rather than just assume some guy selling essential oils has a secret “no one knows”, just go to any search engine and look up this crazy stuff.
Most/all diseases were in decline?? What? Polio? Chickenpox? Small pox? Measles? Come on.
And while there are systems to track - the evidence is that people stopped dying. Just look at the small pox vaccine.
Please stop sharing stuff like this. It’s just ruining the world.
Adjuvants mean the additives used to supposedly increase primary antibody response. These are aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, packaged in names like Polysorbae 80, thimerosal, etc. Depending on where the injection puts them (blood vessel or lymph), they are hypothesized to cause immediate secondary adverse effects such as seizures, high fever, and in babies especially, SiDS. Anti vaxx references you can have a look over are The Moth in the Iron Lung by Forrest Marready, Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries MD, and of course, the Vaxxed documentary by Del Bigtree. There is a signal for pediatric success among those choosing not to vaccinate their children.
Meanwhile, the books above detail malfeasance and deception in the vaccine safety trials.
Worries about “outbreaks” should also be addressed by Marready’s book, but here’s another video detailing the century-long challenges to Germ theory,.
He’s a speaker that was in the fringes of the anti-covid mass media. But in recent years i’ve delighted that his popularity has caught on. He (Kaufman) does make income now based on this talks and his online shop, just so you don’t have to find it out later on.
I guess I just feel like this is a made up argument based on all real world situations. Books like The Moth in the Iron Lung and Dissolving Illusions, along with the documentary Vaxxed, critique vaccines but lack scientific evidence and rely on anecdotal data. Claims that vaccine adjuvants like aluminum, thimerosal, or formaldehyde cause adverse effects such as seizures or SIDS are just made up based on all studies. Thimerosal was removed back in 2001, not for any valid reason but because public perception saw it similarly to mercury, but really it contain ethylmercury which is processed and eliminated by the body unlike methylmercury. We’re also talking about one shot here that literally saves lives compared to the insanity of daily treatments or awful ingestation of stuff like alcohol, chemicals in food, candy, and so much.
Then stuff like formaldehyde inactive viruses and is in much lower levels in vaccines than those naturally produced by the body. Are we against what our body makes now?
The resurgence of diseases like measles in areas with low vaccination rates provides clear evidence of the effectiveness of vaccines in preventing outbreaks and maintaining herd immunity. I’m all for doubting, but come on - these claims are just fear mongering from people you say yourself are just out to make money.
They did a really bad job if it was intentional. China proved it could be controlled, but the world just gave up. Also, who benefited? And, don't give me some nonsense about "seeing who the sheep are" because the last few people wearing masks these days are far from going with the flow, and the ones who gave up for hair cuts, a night at the bar, and to prove their toughness seem like the folks who care way too much about how people see them.
The usual suspects are who benefitted finacially and the Deagle forecast well on it's way. Why not ask who lost? Dead is forever and these people died trusting .gov was telling the truth about safe and effective. They are still pushing the lie and 8 million in the UK rolled up their sleeves. Guess you can't stop stupid becuase now there is no excuse. There were no mistakes you don't get this many dead by accident. BTW, show me one proven example of a vaccine actually working. I hear that baseless arguement all the time. Even Pfizer admitted the shot stopped frig all.
The end of polio. The end of smallpox. The end of measles. How is someone supposed to discuss vaccines when you say such stupid stuff - name one time a vaccine worked. Come on now, this can’t be a legitimate person. Just read any science book. Do you really think the Covid vaccines are killing people? But Covid isn’t?
@EllenLouis, I am so glad you were his patient and trusted him. Understanding him is beyond time. He was estimated to be 10-15 years ahead of his time in Biological Dentistry, combined with passion and being "A Man Of Christ." He is still one of my heroes in medicine.
Thus far I’ve had Covid shots with continuous coverage and I have not yet noticed any impact on my health. We shall see what the future holds. I did have a bout of mild covid with no lasting effects.
The issues that seem linked to, or at least to correlate with, the Covid shots appear to have been limited to certain batches of shots that were all manufactured together. I’ve long suspected that any issues from the shots resulted from an unsafe, rushed production process that affected some batches and not others.
This is super interesting. I’m a case study, I think. It’s long but the dental bit comes at the end.
I have hEDS and CCI plus TMJ destroyed the disc on the left side. I have a ton of vestibular issues. It took years for me to convince my practitioners it wasn’t just migraine associated vertigo with aura, though it’s that, too. I did well after vestibular rehabilitation therapy for a while but as the laxity in my c-spine increased I became increasingly disabled. My dysautonomia neurologist and I suspect Spiky Leaky Syndrome (a name that sounds like a middle schooler won a joke contest). Four incidents of whiplash in my 51 years were not helpful.
I think it’s related to note less than 17% of my spine is normal on MRI. Flat or herniated discs, stenosis, and several chunks are auto fusing (L4-S1, T5-T9 along with the ribs on the left at T7 to T9 and the right T9). No AS, RA or PsA but probably DISH. I have a thoracic SPECT coming. Osteoarthritis and bone spurs everywhere. I’m hypermobile in ways that are very rare even in my cohort.
My c-spine moves between 1-3 mm in all axis from C0-C6. When my alignment at C0 to C2 is off, as it is now, I have a range of symptoms. I get very motion sick with dizziness, fatigue and vomiting. My ability to regulate body temperature fails. My regular pain (hEDS is cruel) increases. My proprioception disappears. My tinnitus is extremely loud on the right side. My vision does strange things. I always have visual snow but it goes hyper. The world is hyper exposed and vibrating with electric flashes and neon orbs. (Zero need for psychedelics in this head to get to face melting, Alice in Wonderland levels of dysfunction.) The migraines are intense and increasing until I can get my neck manipulated back to neutral. The brain fog grows until I can’t speak coherently or walk straight. I drop a foot. My whole spine kinks and I have pain in my pudendal nerve. It’s a shitshow. The longest one up to now lasted 17 days.
Here’s where the dental comes in. I see a PRI trained PT who works with a specialist dentist. Though my degree of misalignment is never enough on its own to justify an occlusal splint, one day we tried the mold just to measure it. I have an occluded airway and need laser surgery for that. I also have a massively deviated septum and only 1.5 sets of sinuses. My gag reflex is legendary. I wasn’t expecting it to go well. Imagine my shock when suddenly with that mold in my mouth I felt everything align. I felt like I’d swapped bodies.
So I was fitted for an MMOO. Badly fitted as it was too loose. Still, what a difference.
In the initial fitting of the splint my PT had to put my c-spine back into neutral four times. It would fall out of alignment just under gravity when supine.
Before the splint I would run into walls. After it I walked straight down the center of the hallway. Around the 2-3 hour mark of wearing the splint I developed a big aura and then a nasty migraine. I persisted and felt better the next day. My neurology was palpably shifting.
Over time my posture shifted out of PEC to something less radically off. And, it lasted. For weeks with the splint I maintained alignment. Not always but usually. When I was out of alignment the effects were less severe than before and easier to correct. I had nothing on my migraine log for over a month. It was a miracle.
That ended four weeks ago. One day my son carefully helped me off the floor and T4-T7 popped out of alignment as a unit (prolo therapy had stabilized them). Everything above and below responded like a train wreck. The next day I dropped my splint. I’d taken it out to talk to a hand and nerve surgeon - it was too loose. It fell out of my pocket in a parking lot when I pulled out my keys. I didn’t immediately notice and it was subsequently run over. Shattered. I’ve recorded a migraine every day since. Living on compazine until my PT’s next available on the 22nd. 😕
The next step is PRP in C0 - C6. My replacement MMOO molds are at the lab.
I have zero trouble believing disruptions in your bite can lead to catastrophic neurological effects. I accidentally proved it in reverse.
How does one figure out if their dental work is hurting them? I had 8 teeth removed, 4 eye teeth and 4 molars, as a kid. Braces for years, and a face plant into a brick wall propelled by an out of control moped pushing an already chipped tooth down which actually “fixed” the undesirable aesthetic. I didn’t lose that tooth because the braces held it in place despite the wires coming loose and resembling a catfish whiskers. I had 10 mercury fillings by the age of 10, one currently very aged and on the verge of needing to be replaced d/t a crack (but I’m avoiding it, no longer trust dentists or doctors) and I had one tooth capped, not sure the actual treatment is called but I immediately regretted getting it done and feel like it should be removed….however, I trust no one to touch my mouth. Wondering if this could be the cause for my all over joint pains, tinnitus and feeling like my memory is slowly melting away.I’m 55, and injected x2, so there’s that. But the mouth alignment is fascinating.
My PT had a cancellation for Wednesday (13th). Perhaps this migraine gets truncated by 9 days. I could do with less insomnia. It won’t hold without the splint but a reset is nice.
Since you’re clearly the person to know, have you seen dental soft tissue laser surgery succeed in opening airways? I’m built out of tissue paper. Stuff collapses. I’ve got quite a bit of dysautonomia around swallowing plus sjogrens but I don’t think those are directly related other than to demonstrate nerves are made of connective tissues I don’t have.
Thanks, too, for having a highly readable and fascinating Substack on one of these endless migraine insomnia nights. I’m in WA state. My husband’s alarm goes off in 24 minutes. That means sleep for me is another hour away or I’ll force it with a med. I hate living on a constant chemical cocktail. I’m glad I work for myself and can afford to lose another morning.
I have been using an EarthPulse magnetic pulser on and off for sleeping. It has a sleep program and several other programs, its magnetic coil produces weak magnetic pulses that when put under the pillow will put me to sleep. It is based on ‘transcranial magnetic stimulation’. The changing magnetic field induce tiny electric currents in the brain. The pulser goes through a sequence of frequencies that occur when we fall asleep. At the end of the program, it wakes you up.
It awoke my elder brother out of a two month long coma, probably caused by a stroke during an 11-hour bladder operation but he soon afterwards suffered another stroke and died. I gave the device to a young woman who suffered a severe accident while riding her bike. She e-mailed me that with this pulser she was finally able to sleep!
I’m a semi-retired Chiropractor who adjusts the spine, myofascial release, & cranial therapy. I’ve treated quite a few patients with symptoms similar to yours, with great success. While I can’t guarantee a 100% recovery for you (no one can), you really should see a Chiropractor in your area who also does cranial work. The treatment should compliment your current regimen very well! 🙏🏽
Body work does accelerate this stuff a bit.. ie. you can check on a ‘tracking splint’ the change in dental contacts after doing it as it always changes.
The key is to wear an appliance like a flat plane or rubber guard as you do it.. otherwise you lose your gains. ie. contacts go right back to where they were.
I had an atlas orthogonal chiropractic for years but left last year as treatment wouldn’t hold past the parking lot. I found a new practitioner blocks from my house that does exactly what you’re talking about. I start with her on the 24th. It seems a good fit.
EDS and its hundred associated diagnostic codes has no cure. But we can manage symptoms for many things.
It is a perennial source of frustration. With massive ligament laxity, I can’t even train the soft tissue. My muscles are attached to my bones with the equivalent of cooked spaghetti.
You may be lacking in minerals, making you dehydrated & ligaments weak. There are a few really good supplement companies like Standard Process & Biotics that offer whole food, organic supplements that can strengthen ligaments. Sometimes just sea salt works wonders! You may need a good source of collagen & vitamin C to restrengthen tissues. I know that in your area, there are quite a few Chiropractors that do nutritional testing & recommendations, because the Standard Process office used to be in Washington.
Thank you. But that’s not it. Stupidly expensive, bespoke, cash only bloodwork proves my mineral absorption from many very expensive supplements is pretty good - now.
Sadly I have 33% of that list. My rampant inflammation long precedes covid. I did get the original strain of covid in 2020. Not since. I have had decades of poor medical experience with clueless doctors acting as human prescriptions dispensers. The dangers of the mRNA gene therapy were easy to see if you read any scientific literature published prior to 2019. I avoided the “vaccine” as did my household.
Earlier this year I had a brilliant pharmacologist look at my bloodwork including a metabolic panel and genetic testing. She said without ever speaking to me she could read my history of childhood trauma. Our coping mechanisms we adopt as childhood set our biochemistry for the rest of our lives. My neurochemistry is set on five alarm fire. I felt suddenly naked in the middle of Times Square level exposed.
That said, my son was raised in a stable, happy two parent household without trauma. He’s as fat as his mom and with the same genetic disorder. He’s got his nature against him. But nurture was at least on his side.
I practiced for 47 years and started taking TMJ studies when I was in dental school 1978.
I’ve seen so much disagreement amongst my colleagues on how to treat this. We even did surgeries in the 70s that were totally 100% ineffective. One for a case as a young surgeon accidentally cut off the condyle, what a mess.
Anyway, splint therapy is good for many people. It does a whole variety of things from balancing , the occlusion to realigning the facial bones to opening the airway and many more’s. It has a whole sympathetic parasympathetic regulation that is also associated with it.
I’m going to add something very very outside of what is talked about. Covid, and the Covid therapies have caused a huge dysregulation in all aspects of our body. We haven’t been alleviated from the spike proteins in that it’s around this all the time and it causes huge inflammation ehich leads to a whole cascade of things. I would suggest that you do your dental therapies and then look at therapies to help you with dealing with a huge amount of inflammation that we All have at this point. It’s horrible. Just go to your local Costco and look at how many of the people are now limping and hobbling along hardly able to push their cart up the aisle, This is an indication of how sick, that whatever Covid, has made us.
By the way, I’ve been D platform from Reddit because I raised some questionable issues on the vaccine when it was first given. Some of these platforms are afraid of getting to the truth.
A lot of this can be dealt with by using chlorine dioxide. I have seen amazing results with my own eyes. The care taker of my mom, swollen finger knuckles, two stiff fingers. She took four activated drops and after 5 days, the swelling and stiff fingers -gone! A friend of my mom with rheumatoid arthritis, after two days using the drops, no more pain! I used it when I had Omicron (not vaccinated), had only a mild reaction.
The 2nd,4th and 14th bullets all include brain inflammation/damages and of course strokes too among the other listed deadies on slide 16 the gov knew would happen to millions and is happening to millions. Maybe he had dental work but rapid aging is associated with inflammation.. all the -itis. It is tens of millions. Still see injuries today from those who only took the first 2-3 in 21.
I know that when my husband had heart surgery. He had to have a dentist certify that he had no cavities. They said the bacteria from the cavities would land on the tube they put around his aneurism.
Read your article. Even looked up some of the parts you mentioned. Still do not understand what you are saying. Since I do not speak "Greek", I ask these few questions. Looking forward to clarifying answers. Thank you.
1. Are you saying that the actual physical flattening of Willis' curve of spee caused his dementia?
2. If yes to 1, how does a physical structural misalignment cause a biologic disease/condition to arise?
3. OR are you saying that the materials used for his dental work were produced badly and thus that caused the flattening?
4. If yes to 3, are you then saying that the materials leached into his body because of a bad wear pattern and thus it was the chemicals which caused the dementia?
2- i explain in the article i linked to above. But i dont see it as a 'physical misalignment'. I see it as the soft tissue covering the skull deflating because of the flattening of the curve... thereby crushing the skull which in turn crushes the brain.
dementia is an effect of crushing the brain.
I am also saying that i've done this to myself to a lesser extent than Bruce.. but enough such that for ~6 months i could not retain any info in my brain. And then fixed it. And that i did this multiple times in ten years.
The condition typically affects people between 45 and 65, with symptoms depending on which type is diagnosed. Family history of dementia and genetic factors account for cause of more than 2/3rds
If you were to drill 100 people's teeth flat (ie. wipe out the curve of spee) i will guarantee you that 100 people will have major health issues and many of them will have neurological disease. ie. causation.
Why can i make such a bold claim? B/c it happened to me and numerous others ive known over the years.
If you were to give Covid vax to 100 people i can guarantee you that not more than a couple folks will be impacted. ie. perhaps some light correlation.
There is concrete evidence in NZ that some quackcinators had 25% of those they juiced die. That's 25 out of 100 juiced dead. That's just deaths. Much less the encyclopedia of debilitating effects.(1000s) they are not side effects. Willis is a quackcine injury with a nice hollywood smile.
The late great Dr. Hal Huggins, the man who started a whole new field of dentistry, would agree with you. But I think it was the jab. In treating jab injuries beyond myocarditis and pericarditis, rapid memory loss is much more prevalent.
interesting.. i hadnt heard of him but ill research him... thanks!
Yes many have brain damage from the jabs so it's a two pronged attack for Bruce, but he will probably never know about this
Yes, we are each a system of overlapping and complex systems: strong reason why Western medicine is so poor at what it claims to address
Why is this a theory I always hear, and from people who seem willing to see the truth? The covid vaccine has one non replicating protein. The virus itself has 28 that replicate and persist. The virus is also arguably a bioweapon leaked from a lab, but there’s this belief that they need to be ok rawdogging a virus versus a technology that just magically appeared (it already existed but wasn’t useful for making money - see vaccine vs daily treatment). mRNA is a straight up medical revolution and may saying it is, we’re pushing ourselves back to the massive profits from daily “treatments”.
Vaccine has aluminium and mercury components.. nothing healthy about that. Considering the opposing theory regards illness and 'flue' as a detoxification process then using toxins in an 'interventionary' process seems rather bizarre at the very least. There is a reason the industry has been often referred to as psychopathic.
I feel like you think this makes sense, but what? Flue? Interventionary - like “change”. It seems you’re using quite a few contradictory words, but why not just say what you mean? Why do you think these materials are unhealthy when we let everything be covered in VOCs and various other chemicals? Why are so many other things ok , but vaccines that literally prevent disease deemed bad?
There are no “gold-standard” (double-blind randomized) studies that support the assertion that vaccines prevent disease.
Further, most/all diseases that vaccines purportedly address were in steep decline for years before the introduction of said vaccines.
Finally, there are no robust systems in place to track vaccine immediate and long-term effects, especially since 1986 in the US. VAERS, for instance, is not robust, the companies have no liability, and the medical industry is not forced - and indeed negatively incentivized to look deeply at the significant downsides of injecting chemical cocktails directly into the bloodstream
I feel like there’s this disbelief bullet list somewhere. No double blind studies? They are everywhere. Measles - /// chicken pox - /// Pfizer - Covid -
This is the dumbest conversation - there’s no way you’ve ever actually researched this yourself. Rather than just assume some guy selling essential oils has a secret “no one knows”, just go to any search engine and look up this crazy stuff.
Most/all diseases were in decline?? What? Polio? Chickenpox? Small pox? Measles? Come on.
And while there are systems to track - the evidence is that people stopped dying. Just look at the small pox vaccine.
Please stop sharing stuff like this. It’s just ruining the world.
It’s the adjuvants, not the nucleic acids or proteins or whatever
Care to elaborate?
Adjuvants mean the additives used to supposedly increase primary antibody response. These are aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, packaged in names like Polysorbae 80, thimerosal, etc. Depending on where the injection puts them (blood vessel or lymph), they are hypothesized to cause immediate secondary adverse effects such as seizures, high fever, and in babies especially, SiDS. Anti vaxx references you can have a look over are The Moth in the Iron Lung by Forrest Marready, Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries MD, and of course, the Vaxxed documentary by Del Bigtree. There is a signal for pediatric success among those choosing not to vaccinate their children.
Meanwhile, the books above detail malfeasance and deception in the vaccine safety trials.
Worries about “outbreaks” should also be addressed by Marready’s book, but here’s another video detailing the century-long challenges to Germ theory,.
He’s a speaker that was in the fringes of the anti-covid mass media. But in recent years i’ve delighted that his popularity has caught on. He (Kaufman) does make income now based on this talks and his online shop, just so you don’t have to find it out later on.
I guess I just feel like this is a made up argument based on all real world situations. Books like The Moth in the Iron Lung and Dissolving Illusions, along with the documentary Vaxxed, critique vaccines but lack scientific evidence and rely on anecdotal data. Claims that vaccine adjuvants like aluminum, thimerosal, or formaldehyde cause adverse effects such as seizures or SIDS are just made up based on all studies. Thimerosal was removed back in 2001, not for any valid reason but because public perception saw it similarly to mercury, but really it contain ethylmercury which is processed and eliminated by the body unlike methylmercury. We’re also talking about one shot here that literally saves lives compared to the insanity of daily treatments or awful ingestation of stuff like alcohol, chemicals in food, candy, and so much.
Then stuff like formaldehyde inactive viruses and is in much lower levels in vaccines than those naturally produced by the body. Are we against what our body makes now?
The resurgence of diseases like measles in areas with low vaccination rates provides clear evidence of the effectiveness of vaccines in preventing outbreaks and maintaining herd immunity. I’m all for doubting, but come on - these claims are just fear mongering from people you say yourself are just out to make money.
Leaked? Like "Little Boy" was leaked from Enola Gay. :-)
They did a really bad job if it was intentional. China proved it could be controlled, but the world just gave up. Also, who benefited? And, don't give me some nonsense about "seeing who the sheep are" because the last few people wearing masks these days are far from going with the flow, and the ones who gave up for hair cuts, a night at the bar, and to prove their toughness seem like the folks who care way too much about how people see them.
Quote: Also, who benefited?
The usual suspects are who benefitted finacially and the Deagle forecast well on it's way. Why not ask who lost? Dead is forever and these people died trusting .gov was telling the truth about safe and effective. They are still pushing the lie and 8 million in the UK rolled up their sleeves. Guess you can't stop stupid becuase now there is no excuse. There were no mistakes you don't get this many dead by accident. BTW, show me one proven example of a vaccine actually working. I hear that baseless arguement all the time. Even Pfizer admitted the shot stopped frig all.
The end of polio. The end of smallpox. The end of measles. How is someone supposed to discuss vaccines when you say such stupid stuff - name one time a vaccine worked. Come on now, this can’t be a legitimate person. Just read any science book. Do you really think the Covid vaccines are killing people? But Covid isn’t?
My father was a HUGE fan of Hal Huggins! 💕 Even was treated by him. Brilliant down to earth man, fantastic dental treatment solutions.
@EllenLouis, I am so glad you were his patient and trusted him. Understanding him is beyond time. He was estimated to be 10-15 years ahead of his time in Biological Dentistry, combined with passion and being "A Man Of Christ." He is still one of my heroes in medicine.
No lol, fuck off with “tHe JaB”
It was the Covid shot….it’s destroying people…a slow-kill bio weapon
Husband got the whole enchilada.
Now, I am the one paying for it.
Home is awful
Thus far I’ve had Covid shots with continuous coverage and I have not yet noticed any impact on my health. We shall see what the future holds. I did have a bout of mild covid with no lasting effects.
Dont tell me you still believe Covid is real
The issues that seem linked to, or at least to correlate with, the Covid shots appear to have been limited to certain batches of shots that were all manufactured together. I’ve long suspected that any issues from the shots resulted from an unsafe, rushed production process that affected some batches and not others.
This is super interesting. I’m a case study, I think. It’s long but the dental bit comes at the end.
I have hEDS and CCI plus TMJ destroyed the disc on the left side. I have a ton of vestibular issues. It took years for me to convince my practitioners it wasn’t just migraine associated vertigo with aura, though it’s that, too. I did well after vestibular rehabilitation therapy for a while but as the laxity in my c-spine increased I became increasingly disabled. My dysautonomia neurologist and I suspect Spiky Leaky Syndrome (a name that sounds like a middle schooler won a joke contest). Four incidents of whiplash in my 51 years were not helpful.
I think it’s related to note less than 17% of my spine is normal on MRI. Flat or herniated discs, stenosis, and several chunks are auto fusing (L4-S1, T5-T9 along with the ribs on the left at T7 to T9 and the right T9). No AS, RA or PsA but probably DISH. I have a thoracic SPECT coming. Osteoarthritis and bone spurs everywhere. I’m hypermobile in ways that are very rare even in my cohort.
My c-spine moves between 1-3 mm in all axis from C0-C6. When my alignment at C0 to C2 is off, as it is now, I have a range of symptoms. I get very motion sick with dizziness, fatigue and vomiting. My ability to regulate body temperature fails. My regular pain (hEDS is cruel) increases. My proprioception disappears. My tinnitus is extremely loud on the right side. My vision does strange things. I always have visual snow but it goes hyper. The world is hyper exposed and vibrating with electric flashes and neon orbs. (Zero need for psychedelics in this head to get to face melting, Alice in Wonderland levels of dysfunction.) The migraines are intense and increasing until I can get my neck manipulated back to neutral. The brain fog grows until I can’t speak coherently or walk straight. I drop a foot. My whole spine kinks and I have pain in my pudendal nerve. It’s a shitshow. The longest one up to now lasted 17 days.
Here’s where the dental comes in. I see a PRI trained PT who works with a specialist dentist. Though my degree of misalignment is never enough on its own to justify an occlusal splint, one day we tried the mold just to measure it. I have an occluded airway and need laser surgery for that. I also have a massively deviated septum and only 1.5 sets of sinuses. My gag reflex is legendary. I wasn’t expecting it to go well. Imagine my shock when suddenly with that mold in my mouth I felt everything align. I felt like I’d swapped bodies.
So I was fitted for an MMOO. Badly fitted as it was too loose. Still, what a difference.
In the initial fitting of the splint my PT had to put my c-spine back into neutral four times. It would fall out of alignment just under gravity when supine.
Before the splint I would run into walls. After it I walked straight down the center of the hallway. Around the 2-3 hour mark of wearing the splint I developed a big aura and then a nasty migraine. I persisted and felt better the next day. My neurology was palpably shifting.
Over time my posture shifted out of PEC to something less radically off. And, it lasted. For weeks with the splint I maintained alignment. Not always but usually. When I was out of alignment the effects were less severe than before and easier to correct. I had nothing on my migraine log for over a month. It was a miracle.
That ended four weeks ago. One day my son carefully helped me off the floor and T4-T7 popped out of alignment as a unit (prolo therapy had stabilized them). Everything above and below responded like a train wreck. The next day I dropped my splint. I’d taken it out to talk to a hand and nerve surgeon - it was too loose. It fell out of my pocket in a parking lot when I pulled out my keys. I didn’t immediately notice and it was subsequently run over. Shattered. I’ve recorded a migraine every day since. Living on compazine until my PT’s next available on the 22nd. 😕
The next step is PRP in C0 - C6. My replacement MMOO molds are at the lab.
I have zero trouble believing disruptions in your bite can lead to catastrophic neurological effects. I accidentally proved it in reverse.
Hi Emily,
Really sorry to hear your story. Yep... your story is unfortunately one that happens a fair bit.
I've heard the stories of many folks that had stories like yours over the years.
There is a path out... don't lose hope in that.
My life today is much better than it was two years ago.
How does one figure out if their dental work is hurting them? I had 8 teeth removed, 4 eye teeth and 4 molars, as a kid. Braces for years, and a face plant into a brick wall propelled by an out of control moped pushing an already chipped tooth down which actually “fixed” the undesirable aesthetic. I didn’t lose that tooth because the braces held it in place despite the wires coming loose and resembling a catfish whiskers. I had 10 mercury fillings by the age of 10, one currently very aged and on the verge of needing to be replaced d/t a crack (but I’m avoiding it, no longer trust dentists or doctors) and I had one tooth capped, not sure the actual treatment is called but I immediately regretted getting it done and feel like it should be removed….however, I trust no one to touch my mouth. Wondering if this could be the cause for my all over joint pains, tinnitus and feeling like my memory is slowly melting away.I’m 55, and injected x2, so there’s that. But the mouth alignment is fascinating.
Given that dental work history…I would say FOR SURE this dental work is probably at the root of most of your issues.
If you wore a simple rubber mouthguard i think you’d find your life changing pretty quickly.
Where do you get that?
many different rubber mouthguards work fine.
I sell one that i call the Reviv One for $25 (incl shipping) on
Also there is a support package + community for $75/yr. 90-day guarantee that you improve.
Thanks for indulging my long post.
My PT had a cancellation for Wednesday (13th). Perhaps this migraine gets truncated by 9 days. I could do with less insomnia. It won’t hold without the splint but a reset is nice.
Since you’re clearly the person to know, have you seen dental soft tissue laser surgery succeed in opening airways? I’m built out of tissue paper. Stuff collapses. I’ve got quite a bit of dysautonomia around swallowing plus sjogrens but I don’t think those are directly related other than to demonstrate nerves are made of connective tissues I don’t have.
Thank you. ❤️
Hi, no i havent seen dental soft tissue laser surgery.
I've always been more of a DIYer at heart with this stuff. But i'd been to a number of ALF dentists in my early years.
Worth a shot. Thanks.
Thanks, too, for having a highly readable and fascinating Substack on one of these endless migraine insomnia nights. I’m in WA state. My husband’s alarm goes off in 24 minutes. That means sleep for me is another hour away or I’ll force it with a med. I hate living on a constant chemical cocktail. I’m glad I work for myself and can afford to lose another morning.
Sure... thank you for reading.
Totally agree about working for yourself.. i made that switch 4 years back and love this new world.
I have been using an EarthPulse magnetic pulser on and off for sleeping. It has a sleep program and several other programs, its magnetic coil produces weak magnetic pulses that when put under the pillow will put me to sleep. It is based on ‘transcranial magnetic stimulation’. The changing magnetic field induce tiny electric currents in the brain. The pulser goes through a sequence of frequencies that occur when we fall asleep. At the end of the program, it wakes you up.
It awoke my elder brother out of a two month long coma, probably caused by a stroke during an 11-hour bladder operation but he soon afterwards suffered another stroke and died. I gave the device to a young woman who suffered a severe accident while riding her bike. She e-mailed me that with this pulser she was finally able to sleep!
There seems to be another company selling a similar copied pulser (?):
I also have the ‘Der Kleine Ludwig’ (the Little Ludwig), developed by the late German Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig:
This one is not continuously running but can be worn around the neck (with a string). Or placed under the pillow.
There are now several other wearable magnetic pulsers but I haven’t looked into them.
I’m a semi-retired Chiropractor who adjusts the spine, myofascial release, & cranial therapy. I’ve treated quite a few patients with symptoms similar to yours, with great success. While I can’t guarantee a 100% recovery for you (no one can), you really should see a Chiropractor in your area who also does cranial work. The treatment should compliment your current regimen very well! 🙏🏽
I did chiro, ostea, etc on and off for years.
Body work does accelerate this stuff a bit.. ie. you can check on a ‘tracking splint’ the change in dental contacts after doing it as it always changes.
The key is to wear an appliance like a flat plane or rubber guard as you do it.. otherwise you lose your gains. ie. contacts go right back to where they were.
i talk about this here in the context of yoga
I had an atlas orthogonal chiropractic for years but left last year as treatment wouldn’t hold past the parking lot. I found a new practitioner blocks from my house that does exactly what you’re talking about. I start with her on the 24th. It seems a good fit.
EDS and its hundred associated diagnostic codes has no cure. But we can manage symptoms for many things.
Thank you.
I did atlas orthogonal in early 2014 when i was scrambling after a dentist had flattened my back teeth.. so i know what you mean…
The soft tissue moves everything right back to where it was
It is a perennial source of frustration. With massive ligament laxity, I can’t even train the soft tissue. My muscles are attached to my bones with the equivalent of cooked spaghetti.
You may be lacking in minerals, making you dehydrated & ligaments weak. There are a few really good supplement companies like Standard Process & Biotics that offer whole food, organic supplements that can strengthen ligaments. Sometimes just sea salt works wonders! You may need a good source of collagen & vitamin C to restrengthen tissues. I know that in your area, there are quite a few Chiropractors that do nutritional testing & recommendations, because the Standard Process office used to be in Washington.
Thank you. But that’s not it. Stupidly expensive, bespoke, cash only bloodwork proves my mineral absorption from many very expensive supplements is pretty good - now.
I have a genetic disorder.
Got my replacement MMOO splint today!!
Sadly I have 33% of that list. My rampant inflammation long precedes covid. I did get the original strain of covid in 2020. Not since. I have had decades of poor medical experience with clueless doctors acting as human prescriptions dispensers. The dangers of the mRNA gene therapy were easy to see if you read any scientific literature published prior to 2019. I avoided the “vaccine” as did my household.
Earlier this year I had a brilliant pharmacologist look at my bloodwork including a metabolic panel and genetic testing. She said without ever speaking to me she could read my history of childhood trauma. Our coping mechanisms we adopt as childhood set our biochemistry for the rest of our lives. My neurochemistry is set on five alarm fire. I felt suddenly naked in the middle of Times Square level exposed.
That said, my son was raised in a stable, happy two parent household without trauma. He’s as fat as his mom and with the same genetic disorder. He’s got his nature against him. But nurture was at least on his side.
I practiced for 47 years and started taking TMJ studies when I was in dental school 1978.
I’ve seen so much disagreement amongst my colleagues on how to treat this. We even did surgeries in the 70s that were totally 100% ineffective. One for a case as a young surgeon accidentally cut off the condyle, what a mess.
Anyway, splint therapy is good for many people. It does a whole variety of things from balancing , the occlusion to realigning the facial bones to opening the airway and many more’s. It has a whole sympathetic parasympathetic regulation that is also associated with it.
I’m going to add something very very outside of what is talked about. Covid, and the Covid therapies have caused a huge dysregulation in all aspects of our body. We haven’t been alleviated from the spike proteins in that it’s around this all the time and it causes huge inflammation ehich leads to a whole cascade of things. I would suggest that you do your dental therapies and then look at therapies to help you with dealing with a huge amount of inflammation that we All have at this point. It’s horrible. Just go to your local Costco and look at how many of the people are now limping and hobbling along hardly able to push their cart up the aisle, This is an indication of how sick, that whatever Covid, has made us.
By the way, I’ve been D platform from Reddit because I raised some questionable issues on the vaccine when it was first given. Some of these platforms are afraid of getting to the truth.
My question is, how do you chemically make the chlorine dioxide and stabilize it it’? It’s a highly reactive, weak oxidizing agent.
Chronic Inflammation leads to:
Bone & JointDisease
Multiple Sclerosis
Hay Fever
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Type 2 Diabetes Atherosclerosis
Renal Failure
Heart Failure
Fatty Liver Disease
Crohn' Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Type 1 Diabetes
A lot of this can be dealt with by using chlorine dioxide. I have seen amazing results with my own eyes. The care taker of my mom, swollen finger knuckles, two stiff fingers. She took four activated drops and after 5 days, the swelling and stiff fingers -gone! A friend of my mom with rheumatoid arthritis, after two days using the drops, no more pain! I used it when I had Omicron (not vaccinated), had only a mild reaction.
My health-minded father often said, “WEALTH without HEALTH is poverty.” 😔
The dentist who did the work probably messed around with a bunch of amalgam fillings, too. I bet.
On the other hand it could be the nanotech payload in the lipid nanoparticles.
One of the side effects from the Covid vaccine is Prions disease
Very interesting!
Interesting! GTK.
I think Mr. Willis’ family should explore this idea. Won’t hurt him, right?
the way i sold it to my dad ~1.5 yrs back… “I’m gonna buy you a $25 rubber nightguard from amazon that i want you to wear to sleep at night.
And i’m saying it can make you feel much better and avoid some of these trips to the hospital you’re making, which you hate.
What do you have to lose?”
Did he have the fuckshots and poosters?
They appear to be all-encompassing
When it comes to generalized deterioration.
The 2nd,4th and 14th bullets all include brain inflammation/damages and of course strokes too among the other listed deadies on slide 16 the gov knew would happen to millions and is happening to millions. Maybe he had dental work but rapid aging is associated with inflammation.. all the -itis. It is tens of millions. Still see injuries today from those who only took the first 2-3 in 21.
Or the mRNA got him. Turbo Dementia is on the list of known injuries.
I know that when my husband had heart surgery. He had to have a dentist certify that he had no cavities. They said the bacteria from the cavities would land on the tube they put around his aneurism.
Read your article. Even looked up some of the parts you mentioned. Still do not understand what you are saying. Since I do not speak "Greek", I ask these few questions. Looking forward to clarifying answers. Thank you.
1. Are you saying that the actual physical flattening of Willis' curve of spee caused his dementia?
2. If yes to 1, how does a physical structural misalignment cause a biologic disease/condition to arise?
3. OR are you saying that the materials used for his dental work were produced badly and thus that caused the flattening?
4. If yes to 3, are you then saying that the materials leached into his body because of a bad wear pattern and thus it was the chemicals which caused the dementia?
1- yes. Via this process that i discuss in this article where the skull 'deflates'
2- i explain in the article i linked to above. But i dont see it as a 'physical misalignment'. I see it as the soft tissue covering the skull deflating because of the flattening of the curve... thereby crushing the skull which in turn crushes the brain.
dementia is an effect of crushing the brain.
I am also saying that i've done this to myself to a lesser extent than Bruce.. but enough such that for ~6 months i could not retain any info in my brain. And then fixed it. And that i did this multiple times in ten years.
3- no im not saying this
4- i have no expertise in that
Thank you so much. I have subscribed. I also watched the entire video and have bookmarked the link you gave for future reference.
Pseudo-science fiction.
A=B B=X therefore P=Q
Real life medical knowledge.
The condition typically affects people between 45 and 65, with symptoms depending on which type is diagnosed. Family history of dementia and genetic factors account for cause of more than 2/3rds
Call me 'pseudo science' if you like.
I call what you said 'strange logic'.
Dementia has a logarithmic curve up in the US for the last ~30 yrs:
Did these 'genetic factors' just decide to rear their ugly head in the last 20-30 yrs?
I was a child of the 80's... born in 1977.
I would say that people today in America eat far healthier than when i was growing up in the 80's.
And i doubt that the calorie consumption differs much.
The increase in my view relates to a variety of factors but these 2 are some of the primary ones:
1- the fact that this gets worse with each generation and mothers twist their children before and during childbirth (i wrote an article on that)
2- a LOT more orthodontic work (~5% of teens in america had ortho in the 80's.. 50-60% have it now)
EGK the processed poisons in our current foods tell me that the situation was much better in the 80’s not worse.
Im not deep into the statistics but i remember walking around the supermarket aisle in the 80's (i grew up in New york).
I go back to the same supermarket when i visit my mother in NY.
The aisles of that supermarket have a lot more healthy food now than it did then. Of that i am very confident.
But in any case.. if you disagree.. than you disagree.
Everyone is entitled to their own view.
Shannon - your response to this comment despite producing zero data yourself started to attack me in a way that I didn't appreciate.
I just delete such comments. Sorry.
Covid Vax and eyes wide shut behavior ruled out? Hmm
for me its causation vs correlation.
If you were to drill 100 people's teeth flat (ie. wipe out the curve of spee) i will guarantee you that 100 people will have major health issues and many of them will have neurological disease. ie. causation.
Why can i make such a bold claim? B/c it happened to me and numerous others ive known over the years.
If you were to give Covid vax to 100 people i can guarantee you that not more than a couple folks will be impacted. ie. perhaps some light correlation.
There is concrete evidence in NZ that some quackcinators had 25% of those they juiced die. That's 25 out of 100 juiced dead. That's just deaths. Much less the encyclopedia of debilitating effects.(1000s) they are not side effects. Willis is a quackcine injury with a nice hollywood smile.
I believe it would be a relationship. True