Sep 25Liked by EGK

To me, the mechanics and concept of how this works is so simple, yet you try to explain it to the so called professional that botched you and they suggest you “seek therapy” . I have renewed hope that I can regain my curve of spee and in turn my function and life. Thank you for making complete sense in a world full of nonsensical bullsh*t, haha

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Sep 25Author

yes.. remember the mechanics to fix this are simple.

1- vertical

2- unlock the occlusion

Than everything just becomes a function of how fast u can make the process go. But you'll be getting better the whole time

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I’m totally with you on that. And yet when I opened Wikipedia Eng and Rus and checked the Curve of Spee they wrote rubbish that the main purpose of orthodontist is keep it as flat as possible.

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Sep 25Author

yep. this is why TMJ dentists flatten it. They were taught the wrong thing in dental school.

This single thing probably accounts for tens of thousands of lives being ruined each year by dentists.

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