Amazing post. I remember first learning about the Vivos DNA appliance from an airway dentist a few years ago, thinking it sounded like something that could save everyone, and then being shocked at all the negative experiences in the Facebook groups for all the different appliances. I can see now more than ever that allowing the skull to inflate in multiple planes is so crucial, rather than just palate expansion and moving everything horizontally.

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Also I nearly spelled out $20k last year to do the Vivos stuff, myofunctional therapy, and the tongue tie revisions. I think with everything I'd learned from reading about the variety of patients' results is what kept me from pulling the trigger with it. And then I started to slowly learn about DIY'ing it, which is what eventually led me here!

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yes... good call on skipping those things!

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re: michael jordan aging story comment, this article you wrote ALSO made me think about the book I want to share with you. (going through emails but will share the book title and summary today). Also wanted to mention, the book is so old, there is no longer a copyright. So I've been wanting to scan the the pages to get it out to more people like you. It was a very busy year. But will make a point to scan (hopefullly before we exit 2024.). Its not a real thick book so won't be that labor intensive. :)

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great.. thank you.

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Darrick Nordstrom, founder of the ALF appliance, talking in mid-2024 about how rapid arch expansion doesnt work because it must then be followed by an ALF https://share.cleanshot.com/MjlTWQB6

These people just do NOT get it.

And it's scary.

Because tons of dentists are following what he says.

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I don't know about getting too deep. Think about it. These two con men can't let the other con men have all the fun and business. :) They gotta get in on the con game before everyone figures this out. lol. Both sides know how easy this fix is and both sides are staying quiet. Why do you think the establishment (trad ortho) let these two clowns run amok? They never criticized the mules. Why? Cause if they did, the mules would say something that would probably end the entire lucrative con game. lol. The mules gotta take what they can and get outta dodge. This is that's going on here man. I am telling you, i am right on this. :)

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im not sure... i've seen mike and john mew engaging with folks on the 'Craniofacial Action Group' facebook group for nealy 10 yrs.

my view is that they were earnest but just didn't realize some of what they were peddling was wrong.

They had a hammer and so to them everything looked like a nail. It was very clear by how John Mew would comment on folks' posts...

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"my view is that they were earnest but just didn't realize some of what they were peddling was wrong."

Never been to those groups. Don't know what they talked about. You have this view because you don't believe the mules understood FJO philosophy. I am telling you they do understand fjo philosophy. This is just how con men think. They can not admit they are conning you. Even when a con man has been caught, they will still stick to their story. :)

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could be.. you're right that i have never dove much into FJO

The dilemma that dentists have faced which i do understand is... what do you do when it seems like what you were taught is wrong?

And if you stray from what you were taught in school too much you can be sued.

You anyway have to make a career as dentistry is the path you decided to take to support your family.

it's not an easy dilemma in my view.

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"Essentially Mike got burned because he doesn't understand the soft tissue."

No. Mike got burned because he was incompetent. The Biobloc is just a variation of the "Schwartz appliance." FJO (Functional Jaw Orthopedics) practitioners have been using some form of it for decades. It is just one of many appliances they use to treat their patients. The Myobrace works well because it functions like the "Bionator." The bionator brings the lower jaw forward and adds lots of vertical. Go take a look. I am not too deep into all these appliances and fjo. But yes that's what the myobrace does.

Orthotropics is a philosophy and theory. That's what it says on their website. If this theory is valid, it would have taken off long time ago. Do you mean to tell me his father never tested out this theory? Of course he did. His father also knows what FJO practitioners do but he insists in pushing this orthotropic nonsense. Why? Lack of skill in practicing FJO? idk. Cause i wouldn't.

The truth is that these two mules are donkeys. They look, talk, and think like donkeys. And maybe that's why these two donkeys are pushing it. Cause they are donkeys. I am very close to the truth tbh. LOL.

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Sounds like you're deep into this.

I just keep things simple to the basic physics that i know.

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