What this does to your body
When your skull deflates it distorts the entire body and compresses all of the organs, which is why I think this is at the root cause of things like heart attacks and cancers.
In this post I’ll describe what happens to your body when these biomechanics get worse and when they get better.
It is important to understand that what I am describing here is what happens to me, and while each person’s body will change a bit differently I think the same general patterns will occur.
Also, I am talking from the perspective of a person who has done this to his body at least 4-5x in the past decade and then corrected it. And is now correcting it for the last time.
So I am not just talking ‘theory’.
When the skull ‘deflates’ it twists
So this X-ray image above was taken in 2015 and is of my skull. And it has made its way around the Internet a fair bit and you can find it on sites that are translated into Russian, Chinese, and even some other languages.
2015 was when I was first learning to use these biomechanics, and so my understanding was far from complete.
In early 2015 I was using ‘Starecta’, which is a DIY dental technique that was founded by some Italians. The main founder being a guy named Moreno, who I got to know a bit at the time because I was like the 2nd person out of Italy to try Starecta.
But anyway, I saw how the skull could be untwisted by using biomechanics in the mouth. And then later when I screwed it up, I saw how it could be twisted back again.
I also saw how this was not just something I ‘thought’ happened… rather it showed up very visibly on a X-ray.
Just look at how less ‘twisted’ the skull on the right looks from the one on the left.
When the skull ‘deflates’ it distorts the body
In 2014 when the dentist drilled my molars flat, it wasn’t just my skull that twisted. My entire body twisted.
I’d been a skinny, pretty good looking guy my whole life and all of a sudden my body got much wider and my neck seemed to be disappearing.
This despite the fact that I was maintaining the same exercise (3-4x per week) and healthy diet routing I’d used for well over a decade.
I also noticed that my flexibility got much worse as did my complexion.
It was as if my body was ‘aging’ at an accelerated rate. I literally looked liked I’d aged close to a decade in a span of 6 months or so.
This probably impacts literally all your organs
As my body was twisting in 2014 lots of other things got worse. I had digestive issues, I couldn’t sleep well, my vision got much worse and seemed to darken, and I even seemed to hear worse.
It was literally just like aging. Except a lot faster.
And note that i’ve fixed this and then screwed it up at least another 3-4x since that time. The pattern for what happened to my body and the symptoms associated to it were pretty much the same each time.
Both when I got better and when I got worse.
Now that I understand it… i am very confident that this distortion of the body is at the root cause of things like heart attacks, strokes and cancers.
Why? Because it just makes so much more sense than what modern medicine currently believes. Think about it.
My interpretation of why a heart attack occurs is that the entire body has twisted and gotten distorted by these biomechanics and compresses the heart in a variety of ways because all of the structures around it have moved.
Modern medicine’s interpretation is that there is probably some genetic influence and that it relates to your diet and how much exercise you do.
All of which you’d find tons of exceptions for (eg. people that eat a crap diet and do no exercise but have a great heart, or people with no genetic history of heart issues but then die of a heart attack despite eating healthy and exercising).
When you reverse this process and inflate the skull, literally everything improves
The other thing to remember when I first made this correction is 2015 is that I did not just correct my skull but rather my whole body followed suit.
I got into very good shape while doing zero exercise.
My hair thickened.
I got arches back in my feet.
I got more flexible.
My face looked much better and more ‘normal’.
All of these things improved, which had previously gotten worse when I had the biomechanics wrong.
Unfortunately… it would be another 6 years of experimenting and screwing myself up + then fixing it again before i’d fully get the hang of exactly how it worked.
I just viewed your video where you give details of your journey, and am so shocked at the similarities of how your and my life have gone! So many things that I attributed to other factors, and I can now trace several of them to having teeth removed or cusps ground down, or head trauma. I've found a nightguard that I used sometime in the past, and added poly to it to add height to my rear molars. Can't wait for my Reviv appliance to arrive!