This is likely at the root cause of most mental health issues
The skull collapses on the brain, disrupting neurological function and your mental health
So I could probably write a whole book on the connection between this skull/body collapse process I talk about here with mental health.
The two are tightly intertwined based on my experience. Let me explain.
My first journey into mental health misery (Vietnam in 2014)
So if you read this earlier article it talks about how my problems originated from a dentist in Vietnam drilling my back teeth:
Within months of that happening I went from a guy who was extremely social his whole life to essentially a hermit.
Think about it… I was age 37 and I’d travelled to ~90 countries at that point and had lived the previous ~15 years living in about ~10 different countries outside the US (where i’m from).
What had enabled me to do that? I loved meeting new people and made friends easily. Anyone that knew me at that point would have echoed exactly this. It was who i was.
Then within a few months of having my back teeth drilled flat in 2014 I literally did not want to go outside my apartment for like 6 months. I didn’t want to talk to people.
I would go to work each day and the only people I would make conversation with were people that I had meetings with. I felt like a zombie.
My skull and body had transformed a lot for the worse very quickly and I was having pretty intense social anxiety and occassional panic attacks, which were completely new to me.
My wife would try to get me out of the apartment at least once a week and the only place I liked to mix with others was at a Church on sunday. Because the people were very nice and empathetic.
And I felt the strange need to be closer to God. Despite the fact that I had never been religious my entire life and essentially considered myself somewhere between atheist and agnostic.
But during about a 6-month period in 2014 I needed it. I was just so depressed and for the first time in my life had gone to see a psychiatrist who promptly prescribed me some anti-depressants (which I threw away after just 2 days of using them as it felt strange and I didn’t want to get hooked).
Then in late 2014 I had found a dental appliance method called ‘Starecta’ that I began using and was helping me. My mental health started improving rapidly despite not taking any medicine or seeing any therapists.
By mid-2015 I would say I was pretty social and strong emotionally again.
It was like a switch had flipped in my head.
I’ve been through probably another 4-5 cycles in the next 10 years
So after this progress i’d been making I began experimenting because I felt like i’d hit a plateau with Starecta and wasn’t progressing. Sometimes it felt like I was even declining.
I wanted to figure out the true biomechanics by which this stuff worked.
So I tried all kinds of stuff in 2016 and by the end of that year I would say I was on a downward spiral again.
I could literally feel myself have more anxiety in general.
But then at some point in early 2017 I’d changed what i was doing with my dental appliance and was doing good again.
I was starting to yo-yo between good and bad mental health.
It was crazy! I felt like I was in this matrix world where everything depended on what I was doing with my dental occlusion.
And note that this didn’t end in 2017.
Each time i got worse my mental health would plummet and each time I progressed with my dental appliance experiments, I would progress.
It got such that I would understand the patterns and they’d actually become predictable. I used it as one of the ways to tell whether the dental approach I was using was either good or bad.
Based on how I felt emotionally, cognitively, my anxiety level, etc.
This continued for the next 4-5 years till about 2021 when I concluded that I’d truly figured this stuff out.
My latest cycle since 2021 is a great case study
So in 2021 I was experimenting a ton with this dental stuff and was determined to figure it out once and for all as it had bounced my life up and down way too much.
I’d had to pull myself out of several full-time roles because I just couldn’t hack it in the mental & cognitive state i was in.
I had to figure this shit out.
And by mid-2021 I did.
I’d narrowed down the biomechanics to the ones I talk about in this post and have used this ever since.
Also my mental health has been on a constant upward trajectory.
My mental health now feels like teflon
At this point in 2024 I can honestly say that I think i’m happy pretty much 24-7. As in it feels almost unnaturally so despite the fact that I take no pills and not even any vitamins or supplements.
I just don’t get depressed and never really feel bad for more than a few minutes if something bad happens.
It’s like my body just doesn’t allow it. It feels like there is too much testosterone and other hormones charging thru my blood with this recovery process I am using.
Not long ago a friend kinda pissed me off…. i was pissed for a few minutes. But that was it… it just passed and I realize i haven’t thought about it since.
I just mentally ‘move on’ very quickly and don’t really give much of a shit except things that I truly should care a lot about.. like my family, doing the shit i love, etc.
I would even go as far as saying I don’t even comprehend what depression is anymore. As in you stop understanding how you or someone else can even feel depressed because you literally are unable to feel it anymore.
I don’t think this is specific to me
I am pretty good at reading a person’s skull and neck/spine now.
As in I can look at a person with a glance and from the lines of their skull and profile, I have a very good idea of their level of physical health.
But ever since I started seeing the tie to mental health, a connection i started making probably around late 2015, I have been following the patterns I see with pretty much everyone around me.
And the patterns are extremely clear to me at this point.
Pretty much whenever you see that a person has a very health profile and skull like this person below, you will generally see that they have very good mental health.
They will end up not being too emotional, they are typically not seeing a therapist, etc.
And whenever you see someone with no profile like this person, you will generally see that they are more emotional, have a higher tendency to have a temper or be depressed, and have a much higher likelihood of seeing a therapist or taking anti-depressants.
Are there some exceptions? Yes of course. But they are the minority.
Note that I’ve literally tracked and asked hundreds of people about this for the past ~8 years as i constantly try to disprove these ‘hypotheses’.
And I can tell you.. i am extremely confident in this pattern at this point.
Now for why I think this happens
Well think about what I’ve said about how the biomechanics work in this post about my ‘balloon theory’ that i’d linked to above.
The soft tissue of the skull deflates collapsing the skull (the balloon) onto the brain. And that in turn mangles the entire skeleton and body… shifting all the organs out of position and disrupting lots of things.
Is that probably going to disrupt how your brain and emotions work?
Of course! I think it would be impossible not to.
But I challenge you…. follow this pattern yourself for awhile, as in a year or two at least so you have sufficient data points.
I am very confident you will come to the same conclusions I did in time.
I ran across your Substack and just can’t stop reading it! Fascinating.