I think I joined my first TMJ forum on Facebook in late 2014. There were tons of them at the time and they were extremely popular.
I’d joined probably up to 20 over the following year.
And everyday i’d see in my FB newsfeed all these stories of patients that had damaging effects from braces, aligners, and extractions.
I’d literally see like 5-10 a day at one point. They were rampant. In total I can honestly say I have seen many hundreds of FB posts of people that did some type of orthodontics and suffered in some way during the years of 2014-18.
Sometimes they had strong symptoms like pain and headaches.. but often it was just damaging effects to the face. Kind of like this girl in the image above that was posted to a Subreddit recently.
So what does orthodontics do?
Well orthodontics by definition moves your teeth around.
The problem with that is that teeth are like structural supports to the mouth and the entire skull.
Just look up ‘toothlessness’ on Wikipedia. And you have it in black and white on the world’s most recognized source of information what happens to your skull and face when you remove all of your teeth.
Note what happened to the person’s musculature and cervical spine in this image above.
Moving teeth around has a very similar impact but to a lesser extent.
Teeth are structural supports to the skull
Why does this happen?
Because the upper and lower teeth are positioned where they are for a reason. Very similar to how you cannot just move the structural supports of a building.
The upper and lower teeth also have cusps that are designed to come together in a very specific way.
So when you change these things, the teeth end up wearing down much faster. Plus you often end up grinding your teeth or the teeth end up getting pushed down further into the bone.
With the result being that you will lose dental height.
And when you lose dental height… the ‘balloon’ that i referred to in this article deflates.
Meaning the skull actually collapses inwards crushing the brain and twisting the spine (ie. you will get wider).
Ortho will pretty much always make you far less attractive over the longer term
So this is one of the patterns that I first started paying attention to back in early 2015. It has literally been nearly a decade.
Whenever people tell me they had braces or aligners I would ask them for images of what they looked like beforehand. And their face always ended up looking far worse after.
Plus I started mentally tracking folks that were doing some ortho during those years (2015 on) and seeing how they evolved.
They ALL evolved negatively. I mean i have data points that probably run into the hundreds now if I were writing them all down.
And if they were friends I typically even tried to warn them not to do it. As this pattern started to get so clear.
This girl above is a pretty classic case of what happens… the person loses the ‘edges’ to their skull and their face just kind of ‘melts’ as Mike Mew likes to put it.
Also their bodies change… It’s not just that they put on weight, it is that their entire spine has changed for the worse.
In a way that their best diet and exercise program will never reverse.
The good news for folks like this girl is that this is reversible
This is exactly what I did to myself somewhere on the order of 3-4x over the past 10 years and then reversed. And am now reversing for the last time.
Why did I need to do it so many times? Well i kept screwing it up again as I had some wrong theories. But now I fully understand it. This is a story for another time.
By around the end of 2024 I will end up with better edges on my face at 47 yrs old than when I was 25 years old.
Why? Because a simple set of physics dictate this process.
But neither dentists nor doctors understand how these physics work.
Mike and John Mew are scratching at the surface with their ‘Mewing’, but that is a very inefficient way of doing the shit that I do, which will have some small effect only on some people.
I’ve been running a test group since early 2023 and have been helping friends and family members even before that.
Given this, I’m confident that I will get results on EVERYONE and it will be far far faster than “Mewing”. If they stick with it.
Why? Because I understand exactly how this shit works.
“To fix this stuff fast… you need to master the physics.”
Hi, I have a 12 year old and 15 yo who are wrapping up the invisaline process and i have been wondering about something very similiar to this. i'm very uncomfortable with the idea that at the end their mouth becomes "locked" into place with a retainer. My daughter has a canine that is sitting well up into her gum line. my son just has teeth that overlap and could potentially chip because the upper does not overlap over the bottom properly. Is there a follow-up article to this that explains the process? Or is it simply a path of moving through the myobrace, etc? Thx