Teeth should stay clean without effort
The structure of the skull and the cleanliness of the teeth are in my experience directly linked.
So one thing I’ve noticed very clearly over the years is the relationship between occlusion and the cleanliness of your teeth.
As far back as 1998 I had observed some things that were very perplexing to me. For example I went on a safari in Kenya during a college program, Semester at Sea, and got to stay for a few days in a village of the Maasai tribe with a bunch of other students.
They are the tribe that is famous for dressing in red and producing some great runners.
What I found amazing about them was how everyone looked so healthy and had such beautiful, white teeth. They also seemed to have skulls that had the shape of a young Micheal Jordan and had the bodies to match.
Not just some of them. Pretty much all of them.
And so the question that all us students had was… “What dental products are they using? They must have some secret technology!”
To which we found out that all they do is they chew on sticks known as ‘miswak’. That’s it!
No toothpaste, no toothbrushes, no bi-annual dentist visits… nothing!
But the thing they did have…. amazing friggin’ skulls!
This connection between the two was not apparent to me, however, back in 1998.
It would take many years later before I’d notice that.
Fast forward to 2018
So this is another one of those stories where I learned things the hard way.
This one happened not in 2014 but rather later on in late 2018. I was in Russia and was seeing a Moscow-based dentist that had trained in the French, Soulet Besombes Method. Or better known by some as OSB.
I’d used their appliance, the SODIS APF, for awhile the year before and decided that their method seemed to abide by much of what i’d learned.
So I decided to give it a try. My dentist basically put dental cement over literally all of my teeth. And a lot of it!
I’d say another 4-5mm of dental height was added.
Which should in essence be a good thing according to my protocol. The problem was that they also locked me into an occlusion by shaping the composite with cusps. Which is something that goes directly against my protocol now.
Food was getting stuck in my teeth constantly. I needed to carry floss with me constantly and floss anytime i put anything into my mouth. Otherwise i’d have food particles visibly all over them.
Within two months i had three small cavities. This despite brushing and flossing my teeth at least 5x a day. And mind you that I was 41 years old and had only had a single cavity my entire life prior to this.
So let’s see…. 3 cavities in 2 months vs. 1 cavity in 41 years…. yeah i’d say there’s a fucking connection. Hahahaha
A little while later I had the dentist pull all that composite junk off my teeth and the problem went away.
For the past three years my teeth seem to stay clean naturally
Now let’s fast forward to 2024. I go to a dentist just once a year for the past three years and i get the same story each time.
“I’m doing a great job brushing!” says the dentist. Each time.
This despite the fact that I am probably spending less time brushing and flossing then at any point in my adult life. Don’t tell my wife.. but i tend to only brush once before I go to bed and forget to brush in the morning.
But I can just feel that they stay clean naturally.
Do i think this is related to the fact that I’ve been making a very nice recovery with these biomechanics the past 3-4 years?
Without a motherfuckin’ doubt!
The same is true of my son
My son also had a couple cavities back in 2018 - 2021.
But since we put the flat dental cement on his teeth in mid-2021 he gets the same dental visits i do. No issues at all and to the dentist he seems to be doing a great job brushing.
Except I know for a fact that that is not the case. He’s typically brushing while watching his evening cartoon and barely even paying attention to where the brush is.
But I don’t care… because i know it doesn’t matter.
Me and him just got this shit on lock.
I concluded that structure is the key to keeping the teeth healthy and clean
So the thing that i’ve learned very clearly from these examples as well as others is that the structure of your skull and the cleanliness of your teeth are tightly intertwined.
As you do my biomechanical process, your teeth should get cleaner pretty much naturally.
Am i saying not to brush or floss at all?
No. hahaha. Still do all that stuff.
But your dentist should be a lot happier with you. Despite the fact that you’re not doing anything different.
donc le café le thé ou le tabac n'a aucune incidence sur la couleur de nos dents ?
bien à toi