My predictions end up almost always being right
After nearly ten years of paying attention to the patterns around this stuff, I can confidently say that my predictions are almost always right.
So one of the most amusing parts of this journey the past decade has been making predictions.
I’ve been making them pretty much since 2015 when I first started putting together initial patterns.
I’d find a person wearing braces and I’d look into my crystal ball and say things like “I think you’re going to look and feel a lot worse in like five years or so.”
And since a number of years have now passed I can start to see a lot of my predictions start to come true. Or not true.
In this post i’ll try to discuss this topic as honestly as I can. But despite my best efforts, I of course will be a bit biased.
Because I kind of see the world via a different lens than most folks.
My predictions around braces & invisalign
So braces and invisalign have been the most obvious thing that I’ve made predictions around ever since about 2015.
Because I clearly thought they were detrimental since that time. And even though my understanding of the problem has evolved since that time, my conclusion that braces and invisalign are evil has not.
Literally everyone I know that was doing braces or invisalign back between the years of 2015 - 2019 look worse today. Most of them much worse. Not just their face but also their bodies.
And if I really thought about it there are probably 50+ examples at least. Some of the folks I know quite well.
Also its not just their appearance but often their lives have taken a turn for the worse. They struggle more today than they did then.
I’d also honestly say that i literally have not seen it go the other way. Every case I remember of a person doing orthodontics the person either clearly looks worse or their life has gotten worse, or both.
My predictions when they already had poor structure
Sometimes the person already pretty poor structure to begin with, even if they didn’t accelerate it with orthodontics. And if they’re young then this to me means that things will likely not evolve well for them over time.
For example there was a guy I worked with back in 2015 and we were out drinking one night. And I could tell he had some dental and jaw issues as his neck and bite were not in good shape.
And me being me… I of course ended up spouting out in my half drunken state… “If you heed my warnings and try to understand these biomechanics you will have an amazing career. You’re young and you’re a very smart dude. The world will be your oyster. If however you ignore me, you will never come close to realizing your full potential.”
About nine years have passed now. And he obviously ignored what I told him and blew it off as being bs.
And his career has also pretty much flatlined and even gone in reverse a bit since that time.
Could there be other factors involved? Of course. There always is.
But do I consider myself right? Yes.
Because I see the same patterns over and over again. If you train yourself to pay attention to these patterns, I am very confident you will start to see them too.
My predictions around mental health
Mental health is the other one that I can draw some very clear patterns around.
I can look at a person’s neck and if it’s starting to get worse fast, I always foreshadow a decline in their mental health.
And it literally always happens.
There are those folks who I know well that i know what they are going through or sometimes they admit it to me.
And then there are those folks who I do not know well.. but I can still tell that things are getting worse from the way they behave and interact with others.
My predictions around success
With success the one that I’ve liked to track is more the people with the good spines and skulls that were early in their career (eg. 20’s).
Literally every case I remember the person has evolved well or very well.
Success in my experience correlates tighter with this stuff than any other factor. I’ve known plenty of people that were very intelligent or highly educated (eg. Ivy education) that have struggled a lot and started to decline years ago.
But I literally do not know a person with great ‘skeletal structure’ that is doing worse than when I first knew them.
Because they just get more ‘shots on goal’ as I like to say. They’re feeling good, ambitious, energized… and they take more well educated risks.
They have a much better shot of achieving their goals because of the superior physical and mental health state they are in.
Paying attention to the patterns
Paying attention to the patterns around these biomechanics has been something that comes second nature to me for almost a decade now.
I literally pay attention to everyone around me without expending any conscious effort. It is as if it is ingrained in me.
And i’m not typically looking for the patterns that reinforce my beliefs because I literally constantly see those everyday.
Rather what interests me much more is when I see examples of things that seem to refute my beliefs. And those are the cases and stories I like to double click on.
The issue typically is that when I double click… I realize that it is not actually an exception at all.
For example if a person does braces but the dentist puts flat composite on their bottom teeth, they will actually start to look better and improve over time. Despite the braces.
Because the important thing to prevent the collapse of the skull is the increased dental height (or ‘vertical’). So on the rare occasion that I see ‘exceptions’ it is usually cases like this. Where the orthodontist for one reason or other realized that they should be adding composite during the process.
Wrapping up
Anyway, if ten years has taught me anything with this stuff it is that I’m pretty much always right in my predictions.
It sounds arrogant.
But it is just a fact.
This stuff, once you learn to pay attention to it, is just blatantly obvious.
To the point that i think the world is absolutely stupid for having missed it for this long.