My job is to keep you from second guessing yourself
I lost 8 years to this stuff because I second guessed myself, and I want to prevent you from doing the same.
To watch the video of this article you can check it out here:
Now on to the article..
So our product is live but we are not yet promoting it yet. And you can see it here:
In this post i’ll explain some of the logic with which i structured this product.
What does the product consist of?
The product costs $100 for:
The Reviv One appliance: I’ll explain later in a dedicated post why I chose this specific appliance, but it is based on about 9 years of experience wearing these rubber appliances.
One year of access to the Skool community: This community allows you to meet others doing the process plus you get access to the 40+ videos I’ve already made. And I plan to make another 30+ more in the coming months.
Also you can read the questions that were asked and add your own. I try to respond to these posts very quickly.Direct access to me: You can write me direct messages on the Skool platform and i’ll try to respond within 1-2 days max.
If you want to keep a diary of changes you feel i will review your inputs once a week and comment.
Note that I do not teach my ‘fast way’ as part of this community. First it is very hard to teach by just saying what to do as it requires some level of learning to ‘feel’ things. And second I may decide to do some special paid coaching group later.
What is the thinking behind this product?
The product that you need to fix this stuff is quite simple. Literally any rubber appliance that does not lock a position of your jaw will work. But it is not easy to find one that is comfortable and yet affordable.
So the biggest value add is the content, community and direct support from me.
The content goes into a lot deeper depth on these stories that i talk about here on this blog. Because I try to keep things on this blog relatively brief so that I don’t kill myself typing them lol.
The community is so that you can exchange thoughts and learnings with others doing the process in a transparent way. I am 100% about transparency.
The thing I absolutely hated about my years seeing dentists was how they never let me talk to their other patients. In part because i think most of their other patients would not have given very good feedback lol.
I am not going to prevent you from talking to others doing the process at all…. in fact I will encourage it.
And then the direct access to me is really about encouragement. Most of the actual information is in the videos, but some of the nuances of what you feel will have you confused. This is where i’ve found that it is really helpful to have someone as a guide.
Second guessing is your worst enemy in this game
I would have been out of this game back in 2016 and saved myself eight fucking years if I had not second guessed myself. Because the reality is that I had figured this stuff out back then on my own and then screwed it up.
And then started listening to dentists and other ‘experts’ between the years of 2017-2020 when I should have in fact just tuned them out and listened to myself.
In the end it was the experiments i was doing with soft tissue that took me to the ‘end’. An end which i plan to again achieve later this year... eight years later!
But the problem is that this game is a very psychological one. You will feel some pain or perhaps a headache and think to yourself “oh shit… maybe what I am doing is wrong? Maybe i should change?”
I did this tons of times over the years. And then often regretted it later.
Because it led me into going in circles for years. Eight years of my life just wasted away because i was second guessing myself.
And I would have loved if someone that had actually taken this to its true end was there to re-encourage me and tell me.. “hey buddy… no… what you are feeling is normal. Just suck it up and stick to it.”
My job is to keep you on the right path
So this is the role I try to play. I will follow your updates and give you inputs from my experience or others’ experiences that I know about.
And the fact that I am tracking a larger and larger number of people ever since 1.5 years ago means I also have access to a lot more data points than you do.
But also note that I will be honest… if some shit happens to you that i’ve never seen or heard of I am not some bullshitting dentist who is going to lie to you.
I’m going to tell you straight up… “Jack, what you are saying right now I have never experienced or heard before.” But then i’m also going to be by your side as we think about how best to approach the problem.
Note that so far this has not happened once. And i’m not sure it will.
But it might. Because if you’ve done permanent damage to the joint than there are things that might be different in your case.