Impact of biomechanics on the immune system
The immune system is a direct function of these biomechanics. And therefore by mastering these biomechanics, you master your immunity to getting sick.
For the past four years I have literally found it impossible to get sick. Not only have I not gotten sick, but I haven’t even gotten a runny nose. Nothing.
My wife had COVID. My son had COVID for a little while. I made zero change attempt to change any of my habits while interacting with them daily.
And I did not get COVID.
Everytime a virus goes around and lots of people seem to get sick. The shit flies right past me.
Not only have I not gotten sick but I have made absolutely zero effort to avoid being sick. I do not exercise at all. I do not take any supplements. I eat lots of crap and pay zero attention to my diet.
And yet… my immune system feels like it is made out of titanium steel.
Whereas all these nutrition and exercise-addicted folks around me are getting sick left and right. Even as they spout out the benefits of whatever belief system it is that they follow.
I look at these folks and say things like… “You’re almost 20 years younger than me.. you’re getting sick a few times a year. I’m like a steel fucking wall at 47 years old despite ignoring all that shit that you say is so important. So who is likely right? Me or you.”
Your immune system is a function of these biomechanics
What is your ‘immune system’?
It is your body’s ability to fight off disease.
Now think about my thesis…. which is basically that these biomechanics are at the heart of how your entire system works. Because they determine the structural integrity of that system.
They determine if your skull is being crushed and your entire skeleton is being twisted. Or whether it is straight and intact.
Would your skeleton being twisted, and thus compressing every organ in your body, likely impact the function of your immune system?
Of course!
For me, it would logically be the most important thing to determine how well the immune system functions.
My observations over almost a decade support this
I am not just pulling these beliefs out of thin air. I am not just basing them on my experiments with my own body.
No, I am also basing this on my observations of others for almost a decade. I’m talking thousands and thousands of data points.
Everytime I see a person get sick…. I take mental note of what their skull and spine look like.
Everytime I see a person that seems to have perfect structure, I try to find out whether they get sick. And if so, how often?
Everytime I read stories on the Internet of someone famous getting very sick. I again look at their skull and spine.
And when you do this for an extended period of time, you arrive at one unequivocal conclusion. Structure and the immune system are so tightly correlated that it would next to impossible for there not to be a direct cause & effect relationship.
When you do my method your immune system will skyrocket
If you start my method (eg. wear a Reviv One) you will notice that your immune system will get stronger and stronger.
And note that I exclude headaches as that is part of the process as I’ve mentioned earlier.
You will feel stronger and more energy. You will feel yourself become less and less susceptible to getting sick.
In fact I highly recommend you to start removing all of the other factors that you think ‘might’ be contributing to this improvement. Stop doing that regular exercise, stop taking the supplements, etc.
And you will see as i have.. that your health will anyway continue to improve. Because that other shit is pretty much useless.
Orthodontics, on the otherhand, will plummet your immune system
One thing I’ve noticed have an almost perfect correlation is orthodontics and the decline of a person’s immune system.
By this I mean things like braces, invisalign and extractions. If a person does this (without adding height to the bite) they invariably get sick more often. Sometimes a lot more often.
But they of course typically put this off to a variety of excuses, eg.
I’m getting older
I’m more stressed at work
The air conditioner was blowing directly on me
The weather has been tricky lately
Reality, however, is that none of that shit was at the root cause. I am subject to all of these influences all of the time. And yet i’m bulletproof to them.
And the same is true of almost all members of my test group after they’ve been doing it for at least a few months.