I think I know why marijuana use has exploded
People are unable to relax naturally. The question is why?
Check out the youtube…
I live in Bangkok and about 1-2 years back they legalized it.
Now there are weed shops everywhere in this city. This ‘Wonderland’ is in Nana and I pass by it every weekend.
At first I thought that there was no need for this many shops. But they are not dying as I’d expected. They seem to be thriving.
Which means that the demand for marijuana in this city far exceeds what i’d expected. And it’s not just the expats.. I see lots of local Thais in these shops.
But why is there all this demand? What is driving people to do this?
Marijuana usage has exploded around the world
The rise in marijuana use over the past decade has been staggering.
In the US, what was once counter-culture has become mainstream, with dispensaries now as common as coffee shops in many states.
Recent statistics show that nearly half of young adults now use marijuana regularly - a dramatic increase from just a decade ago.
While many cite stress relief and relaxation as their primary reasons for use, I think there's something deeper going on.
I think it relates to more than just the wider legalization of it
While legalization has certainly made access easier, marijuana was readily available through informal channels long before legalization.
The explosion in use suggests something more fundamental is driving demand.
I believe people are increasingly unable to achieve natural relaxation - their bodies are in a constant state of tension due to the structural collapse of their skull and spine.
Probably relating to the fact that I’d estimate ~95% of young American adults are misdeveloped at this point. And about half of those did something orthodontic, thus further accelerating the collapse of their skull onto their brain and the twist of their entire skeleton.
This physical tension creates a desperate search for relief.
The curve of marijuana use mimics a lot of other trends
When you look at the data, the rise in marijuana use closely parallels other concerning trends - like the increase in orthodontics, obesity, neurological disorders, ADHD, etc.
This isn't coincidental.
As higher and higher percentages of people suffer from this structural collapse cycle… they're turning to marijuana as a coping mechanism.
Unable to find natural relaxation, they seek chemical assistance.
My own story
I've experienced this firsthand.
In late 2019, I was getting into bad shape after not wearing any appliance for some months. And having a posterior open bite that I did not even support when sleeping.
I found myself unable to relax after work. Despite my work not being that stressful, my body was physically unable to unwind.
I fell into a pattern of heavy drinking before bed just to achieve some sense of relaxation. It wasn't about stress - it was purely physical.
The contrast with my current state is striking.
Now that I've improved my structural health, I barely drink - maybe one or two beers a month. I rarely feel the need for any substances to relax.
My body can switch from high productivity to complete relaxation almost instantly. I sometimes work until midnight and fall asleep immediately after, with no need for a "wind-down" period.
Closing thoughts
The marijuana boom isn't just about legalization or changing social attitudes.
I believe it's a symptom of a deeper physical issue affecting more and more people.
When I was unable to naturally relax, I understood the desperate search for relief. During those days I couldn’t even think about working on the weekend. I just wanted to relax.
Now, having fixed my structural issues, I often work 4-5 hours a day on weekends because I just don’t want to relax. I want to work.
This perspective might seem unconventional, but it fits the evidence.
The parallel rise of structural health issues and substance use isn't coincidental. As we continue to see increases in orthodontic procedures in countries like Thailand, we're going to see continued growth in marijuana use as people seek relief from the structural collapse process that will follow.
The solution isn't in finding better ways to chemically relax - it's in addressing the root cause of why so many people can't relax naturally anymore.
Until the world starts to ‘get’ these biomechanics… you’re gonna see marijuana use rocket around the world. Quote me on that.
I think the Covid era contributed to the structural collapse as well. The immediate depression and anxiety that followed the jab or lack of started a movement of isolation within our society. More people worked remotely, I personally retired because of the so called virus and was forced more or less to not work where people gathered . I was a very active hairstylist working in a salon , playing softball in the summer, and leading a normal life.
For some reason, I had never had the time nor made the time to fix my teeth, I had two ill fitting partials, well a lower which I couldn't wear, not functional, my upper was 20 years old and functional , however losing appeal, not so white anymore, but I could eat.
I had wanted implants, or one of these supposed quick fix, Clear Choice. All of these thousands of dollars, I couldn't justify at almost 70yrs. So I opted for dentures, on top.
My life has never been the same. Can't eat meat, I have poor, digestion, headaches, my neck hurts.My lack of energy and motivation has affected everything. I started first consuming THC gummies then decided to start making them. There were other women friends that I met, going through similar situations, couldn't sleep, poor digestion, implants or dentures. I find it ironic that a lot of people after, the Covid lockdown was lifted got their teeth worked on, or shiny new fake ones. "To make them feel better?" After such isolation? Self esteem? I'm commenting on this because it had been 40 plus years since I had any form of THC. The gummies gave me a better appetite and helped me sleep. I think there is a correlation between the marijuana or THC use and collapse of our brain, jaw, and teeth
Interesting theory on the link between bodily tension and marijuana use, but does anyone have insights on how Netflix also fits into this 'relaxation revolution'? Maybe binge-watching is another coping mechanism!