I am eating crap to perfect health
This is my ode to all those that think 'nutrition' is at the heart of this health/obesity problem in America
One of my favorite podcasts is My First Million on Youtube. I love the guys.
And recently they had this guy on named Calley Means, who went on and on about nutrition and Ozempic. And I disagreed with so much of what he said because as like many others he makes the conclusion that nutrition is at the heart of the problem.
Also note that he cofounded a company called TrueMed that looks into this whole nutritional issue much deeper.
And his co-founder is Justin Mares, who I’ve followed on Substack for sometime.
First let’s lay the foundation to their logic
They say that the pharmaceutical and food industries in America are poisoning us and are at the root cause of the obesity epidemic in America.
Actually they go much wider than obesity to point to the explosion of diabetes, depression and lots of other things. And make the point that our medical system is not structured to handle this in the right way because all of these problems are connected.
And yet our medical system is segmented into specialities, which is good for making money but bad at solving this complex issue.
Let me be upfront that I love them calling this out and I have been saying the same thing for over a decade.
I witnessed what they did… the system is broken
I saw exactly how broken the system was throughout my 20s and 30s when I went to over 100 doctors across a huge range of specialities trying to figure out what was going wrong with me.
Basically i had constant muscle tightness in my back, neck and arms and felt a lot of tightness in my voice. It was also fatiguing me.
I took tons of different pills, tried tons of different therapies, listened to lots of docs tell me that I’d feel better in some months… all to no avail.
They all failed. Over and over and over again.
Essentially the modern medical system completely had failed me. And I literally gave up on it sometime in my late 30s.
Now for the problem with their logic
They state all these problems with the current system, which i completely agree with and then conclude that it is rootcaused in nutrition, which I 100% disagree with.
I went deep down this whole nutrition route back in 2015-16 when I started reading a lot of Weston Price including this book above, which I had purchased.
For awhile I was absolutely convinced it was at the heart of the problem. I began eating healthier than I ever had before and would use these concepts on my 2 year old son who was mouthbreathing and not sleeping well.
I did things like drive long distances to get organic milk products and try to avoid all processed foods.
I did this for probably close to two years.
It did absolutely nothing for me nor my son.
But today me and my son are great. We’re extremely healthy because I fixed the biomechanical stuff that I mention in this newsletter.
I haven’t even had a runny nose in well over 4 years at the age of 47 and I work tirelessly from 8am till past 10pm without fatiguing or burning out for years now.
I do all of this while eating all the processed food and crap that I want. And without exercising at all.
My son also consumes lots of processed food and honestly isn’t that active as it is so hot here in Bangkok. Despite this… he has a perfect body at ten years old.
Because I understand how this shit works ;)
The TrueMed guys jumped to a macro viewpoint, when they should have looked micro
On the podcast Calley likes to point to huge macro impacts like the fact that 3% of Japanese teens are obese whereas 40%+ of US teens are obese.
And therefore he concludes that this must relate to differences in the diet.
But i’m sorry.. that is a huge leap with almost no supporting evidence.
And you could completely prove these guys wrong with ‘micro’ experiments. Let me give you an example:
If nutrition were at the root cause as they say then there would be some very hard exceptions they would need to explain.
For example, round up lots of American teens who have great bodies. And look at what they eat to see if it is significantly different.
Narrow it down further… and find the teens who have great bodies but eat lots of processed foods and do very little exercise. You will still find hundreds of thousands of them!
So if some teens have great bodies and others have massively obese ones, but they are eating the same processed crap, how can processed food be a true root cause? There is no direct cause-and-effect!
I will put money down right now against anyone that wants to run this exact study and thinks it will show something other than what I have said above. Why am I so confident? Because i pay attention to this shit for ~10 years!!
So what is causing this decline in American health?
This is a deep topic that I will explore later on. But I can tell you the headlines now:
1: Orthodontics: I am 100% sure that you will find a direct correlation between penetration of braces/aligners/extractions and obesity plus neurological disease.
2: Once a mother is obese she will damage her child during pregnancy and birth, thus making it much more likely that her child will be obese.
And thus it is generally better that mothers have children earlier in life before their pelvis’s change (whereas American mothers are among the oldest).
3: It is a generational problem because the mother passes it on to her child. And US + UK are the further number of generations in.
Countries like Japan and Russia are a couple generations behind… but you will see… in 50-100 years they will look like Americans. Guaranteed ;)
Just compare the streets of Moscow today vs. how beautiful people were 20 years ago. Obesity is rocketing!
Note you might wanna check out this related video.