Genetics are wayyyy overrated
I think genetics has much less influence on many things we give it credit for... like obesity, beauty, neurological disease, etc.
Check out the youtube version
Now onto the article…
I hear so many folks attribute a ton of stuff to genetics and i need to bite my tongue to not interject and point out some basic things like math and the laws of evolution.
For example let’s take a classic example…. someone says that “obesity runs in the family.”
Perhaps because there is an obese teenager who has an obese mother.
And i’ll be like… interesting. But i’m willing to bet if you go back more than two or three generations there was absolutely no obesity in their family history.
And therefore where did this ‘obesity’ gene come from? And how was it that it was latent for centuries before, but then all of a sudden decided to pop its ugly head out.
It just makes no sense.
And so let’s go deeper into understanding this.
First… let’s review what evolution is
I took several classes on evolution during my days as an undergrad at Cornell and i’ve read numerous books on it since then… but i’ll essentially summarize evolution as:
Evolution = Mutation x Natural Selection
Gene mutation leads to genetic variation.
And then natural selection is the law that states that if the mutated gene is superior than that population will grow over time, whereas the inferior set of genes that preceded will start to die out.
This is straight up Charles Darwin type shit… that has been further validated by many scientists since that time.
Now let’s look at obesity. I think we can all agree that obesity is an inferior trait right? I mean there are no logical ways that being obese helps you survive and therefore reproduce successfully.
Therefore the law of evolution states that obesity should decrease and not rocket up the way it has in the last 40 years.
Now let’s take a look back in time to the early 1900’s
In the early 1900’s obesity was almost non-existent in the United States. As opposed to the 40%+ of adult Americans that we see today, I think we can safely say it was <2%.
Therefore obesity went from <2% to 40%+ in the last ~100 years.
This goes in direct contrast to the law of natural selection. And therefore you can absolutely throw out ‘genetics’ as the culprit.
So if genetics isn’t the culprit for obesity… what is?
Well here is where my experience gives a lot of solid clues to answer this question. The collapse process that I talk about throughout this blog mangles the spine and almost always widens it (hips, etc).
Think of a building collapsing outwards.
And then add in some anecdotal evidence… for example obese people never really change their spinal structure.
If you took an X-ray of their spine when they were obese and then they lost a whole bunch of weight and you took another x-ray, you would see that their spine barely changed.
Rather they just lost fat.
Another good example is liposuction. If losing the fat changed the spinal structure than you’d see these obese people do liposuck and look amazing in a bikini soon after.
But that is not what happens. Their structure remains distorted and wide afterwards. As it does with people who go on extreme diets and lose 50+ pounds.
There is only one way to actually change your structure. And that is the process that I talk about.
More than that… when I am done with this process, which i expect to be sometime in early 2025.. i will post some photos that prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
ie. my actual spine and shape of my body will have changed massively. Not merely losing fat.
And I will have done this without dieting at all and doing zero exercise at age 47.
Moreover this will not be the first time i’ve done. I’ve done this shit a couple times before starting around 2016. So it’s not that i ‘think’ this shit is gonna happen.. I KNOW it will.
This applies not just to obesity but to lots of stuff
I use obesity as the example here but I think this same thing applies to a ton of shit…. beauty, neurological disease, etc.
I am very sure that many years from now they will prove that literally everyone can become beautiful (ie. highly symmetrical) by mastering the biomechanics that I talk about here.
Because there is nothing genetic to it. I also don’t think age impacts it that much because what we call ‘age’ is just the impact of the biomechanics on the soft tissue.
I have improved my facial symmetry and complexion massively already in the last few years. And when i’m done I will post photos that also put this beyond any doubt.
And neurological diseases like Parkinson’s are another example. They have rocketed despite coming off a very low base a few decades back.
I am pretty sure these biomechanics I talk about will almost eradicate neurological disease. And I consider myself already an example of this.
I would say that i had a mild neurological disease in mid-2014 (I literally could not retain information for more than a couple minutes at all for months), and now my brain operates like i’m 25 again.
I work from 8am till about 10 or 11pm with few breaks everyday for a couple of years now.
This is not some “oh i feel good this week” type of shit… this is “i’m doing this shit everyday for two fuckin years type shit.”
Exciting times to come folks!
Thanks Ken I always appreciate hearing more of your thoughts on this stuff!
Ken have you heard of epigenetics? I care way more about that! How environment or certain factors effect genetic expression, causing certain genes to turn on, OR off. That interests me way more! Probably because people in my life have always chalked bad things up to poor genetics and kind of thrown their hands up about it, but that was never enough for me! Plus it puts things in a different perspective and helps convey how adaptable we as humans can be, and that so many negative health conditions can be reversed.