Addressing brain fog with these biomechanics
So far i'm 3 for 3. And I don't think i'll ever lose.
In 2014 I had really bad brain fog after a dentist had drilled the cusps down on my back teeth. It started i believe a month or so afterwards.
And it was the first time in my life I felt something like this.
I’d always been relatively healthy and had led a healthy lifestyle. I went to the gym 3-4x a week and ate nothing but healthy food for the decade previous.
And I was only 37 years old. How the fuck was this happening?
That is what went through my head pretty much every night. Because I was in panic mode.
The backdrop to my situation in 2014
I’d just moved my pregnant wife to Vietnam to take a commercial leadership position in Lazada, which was a Rocket Internet company (the eCommerce giant founded by the Samwer brothers).
My boss, the CEO of Vietnam, was a tough French guy that was ex-McKinsey.
He didn’t give a fuck that I didn’t feel well. He was under the gun of the group CEO, who was a badass German dude built like a linebacker.
And so straight up the line I knew I wasn’t getting any sympathy for the fact that my brain just didn’t seem to wanna function.
I had to solve this brain fog and fast. Otherwise I had a massive dilemma on my hands.
Because we were on a Vietnamese visa that required me to be working. And my wife had already chosen the hospital where she was going to deliver. Plus it was her first pregnancy and first time living outside of Ukraine.
I somehow needed to hold the fort down for awhile. I decided to move to the product management (tech) team and request to be demoted two levels.
It was humiliating and a massive hit to my pride. But in the state i was, i just didn’t give a shit. I was in survival mode.
Just how bad was my brain fog in 2014?
Well, let me put it to you like this. There were several months in mid-2014 where I was in the product team and I just didn’t retain any information.
I brought my laptop to every meeting and would type everything as the person said it.
It was the only way I had any chance of retaining anything.
Then if I had a call where i needed to present information to a group… I would type everything out in advance and pretty much read it.
If i didn’t do this, my mind would just draw a blank. My ability to think fast on my feet that had held with me my entire life to that point…. was completely gone.
Instead I felt like an idiot with his head in the clouds.
These biomechanics got me out of my brain fog
So in late 2014 I’d started Starecta and by early 2015 I was already iterating on the method. But my cognitive function was improving rapidly.
By late 2015 I felt like my brain was functioning even better than normal. My memory, which I always considered mediocre, seemed to soak everything up like a sponge.
The brain fog had lifted.
I felt like a completely different person.
My confidence came back.
I was able to take on more responsibility on my job and actually got promoted 2x in the span of a year up to SVP of Product (#2 to the CPO).
It felt crazy. I’d gone from dumbass to badass.
And it wouldn’t be the last time. Hahahahaha
I’ve given myself mild brain fog and gotten out of it several times after that
I was experimenting on myself a ton from 2016 - 2021. Sometimes things would be going well and others it would not.
When it was going badly, I often felt a sort of mild brain fog.
But i never got as worried as i did in 2014 because I now knew that i’d solved it at least once. So it gave me the confidence that i’d solve it again.
Now it is 2024 and i haven’t had any trace of brain fog for at least 3-4 years. Instead these days my brain functions as if I am 25 years old again.
I think fast. I retain information. My brain just seems to work really well.
Sometimes i’ll be in a meeting with co-workers 20 yrs younger than me and ill be thinking… “What is taking you so long? The answer is so obvious.”
I’ve also resolved brain fog in several folks in my test group
There are two people that were in my test group that I started in 2023 who complained that they suffered from mild brain fog.
One used a rubber appliance like the Reviv One, the other used a flat plane splint.
Both were out of their brain fog within a few months.
One had lots of massive headaches. The other did not.
What i’ve concluded about resolving brain fog so far
When I got out of my brain fog I also noticed that I’d had a number of headaches. And at some point I attributed the headaches to being part of the recovery process.
My interpretation was that the skull was opening up and essentially ‘inflating,’ thus reducing the skull’s compression on the brain.
And thus the reduction in brain fog.
I don’t know if this is true anatomically, but it best reflects what I felt.
So while I don’t have a lot of data points, so far my battle against cases of brain fog is 3 for 3. I successfully defeated it in two test group members and myself.
And so given this record, until i am proven otherwise… I believe i can eliminate it in anyone.
By using these beautiful, badass biomechanics.